successful, but not very well-liked Windows 8 will soon have a successor. We know that of the official invitation for tomorrow’s conference in San Francisco, which Microsoft sent out a few weeks ago.
The official said only that the Redmond giant wants to “talk about the future of Windows” . What Microsoft will do that the next version was the better tool in the era of smartphones and tablets? Checked.
The case is not simple, it comes up to four solutions. Microsoft can call their system simply Windows 9 – but this name mainly promoted by the media, because somehow they must call the system. It is also possible that the code name or the name of the Threshold will be final. According to other reviews Microsoft only shorten the word and the system will be called Windows TH. I hope that this did not happen, because we all know what confusion introduced on the market name of Windows RT. There is also another possibility, quite likely if we take into consideration the declaration of Satya Nadelli, the current president of the company. He announced “a Windows”, the successor to Windows 8 may therefore be called simply “Windows”.
Old, new Start Menu
When designing Windows 8 Microsoft has big changes in the interface. For many, they were not acceptable. Nielubiący change felt most painfully ejected from the system Start menu. In the restored version could be seen at a conference for developers Build 2014 There were even suggestions that will come with the next update to Windows 8 Finally, the OSD menu returns only in the back nine. Internet leaked video showing the new Start menu, but there is no certainty that this is his final form. If, however, you will bind the habits of users with Windows 7 (it will be ejected from the lower left corner) and Windows 8 (can be clipped to the tiles.)
Photo. for
Desktop straight from Linux?
Portal Extreme Tech says that Windows 9 will have at their disposal a number of desktops. They can be changed as in the case of Linux.
Applications Metro to run from the Desktop
If Microsoft wants to introduce the possibility of pinning Metro interface applications to the Start Menu seems quite natural that it will also be run from the desktop. Just like in this picture.
Fig. Microsoft
Solutions with Windows Phone
Windows can hit a stationary solution, which can enjoy (as of now living in the USA) Windows Phone users. It’s about Cort – a virtual assistant, which is to operate in an extremely precise manner through integration with Bing search engine. Such a change was to further confirmation of the direction in which Microsoft aims: one Windows. Using your computer, smartphone or tablet could bring you a feeling of cohesion, homogeneity.
In the “back nine” may also find other solutions with WP 8.1 – service WiFi Sense . Its aim is automatic saving login information networks we use. With this solution, the device will know that we are in a
An important change will be the appearance of Notification Center . Intuition suggests that if Microsoft wants to “single windows” on your computer screen will see the notification SMS from your phone, the information transmitted from the mobile applications etc.
What’s tiled
This is not is unclear, but it is quite possible that the tiles will disappear from Windows, but not “good”. Just by default, we will not see them, to use them you will need to turn yourself an option. If this information is true Microsoft Windows 7 users will enjoy but upset those who liked the tiled “eights”.
How much will Windows version
Microsoft may decide to important step. Step, which would be a natural consequence of the adopted strategy. With the market disappear Windows RT. At the moment we have after regular Windows computers, Windows RT tablets running on ARM processors and Windows Phone – for smartphones. According to some reports first see Windows on your computer, and then his version of RT for smartphones and tablets.
Common applications
Microsoft probably put more emphasis on apps universal, that is, that you can download on both the Windows and Windows Phone. These programs appear in the app store since April, but we expect that Microsoft will present a new stage in the development of this service. Applications should be simply much more.
New Internet Explorer, the new Direct X
According to leaks in Windows 9 will also find a refreshed version of the browser. Version 12 has to have “a more flattened and redesigned interface.” Will change the appearance of Direct X version 12 with support allowing display images even in 8K resolution.
Windows 9 for free?
As reported by Antyweb Andreas Diantoro weekend, the head of Microsoft in Indonesia blurted out and confirmed that Windows 9 will be free for license holders to “figure eight”, “the Seven”, Vista, and perhaps Windows XP. The scale of the “repricing” is not confirmed, but those who have Windows 8 computers can in principle be sure that the next system will get free.
Fig. YouTube
Many other improvements
Extreme Tech says that Microsoft has much more smaller, but significant improvements. One of them is a new way to update the system. Regardless of whether or not we will change the system to 9.1 or 10 has to serve one button. It has just be easier and faster.
Microsoft will surprise us with something else. But it seems that we will see a system that is better adapted to the realities of the market and consumer habits. How will you really? You’ll find this by looking at our page tomorrow.

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