Sunday, September 21, 2014

Nvidia GeForce GTX kills 780 Ti, GTX 780 and GTX 770 –

 Along with the launch of its latest graphics cards – GeForce GTX 980 and GTX 970, Nvidia also revealed some other interesting information. And yes, “Greens” have decided to kill three quite fresh products, ie. Cards GeForce GTX 780 Ti GeForce GTX 780 and GeForce GTX 770 .

 Of course, this decision is linked to the emergence of new models, because the GeForce GTX 980 comes in the way the GTX 780 Ti and GTX 780, but much cheaper to produce (2 billion less transistors, 4 memory chips less and lighter VRM). GTX 970 targets while the shelf below $ 350, which means that the GTX 770

also became virtually useless.

 That’s not all, because Nvidia also decided to reduce the price of GeForce GTX 760 , which now starts from the ceiling 219 USD – it is worth remembering that in mid-October, we expect its successor, or the GTX 960.



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