According to Wall Street Journal HTC will produce on behalf of Google another tablet. Nexus 9 to be quite a powerful device with Tegra K1 (four cores) and dziewięciocalowy screen.
Some analysts see in the contract a great opportunity for HTC. Taiwanese few years have not released their own tablet on the market, so now they have the opportunity to return to the wide track. The problem is that all the “cream” zainkasuje Google, HTC has brought himself to the role of supplier. Of course, in terms of sales and finance commission of Google is important for HTC, but do change the condition of the company and its position
Google while pending their struggle to maintain a balance – a contract for the production of the Samsung Nexus not received because the position of Koreans too would increase.
Let’s hope that the competition between Google and its partners to win the consumer. We expect high-end device at the lowest possible price.

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