Just look out the window in Wroclaw, to see that we have a real autumn. Rain, falling leaves and temperatures are below 10 degrees Celsius. This year, the astronomical autumn began at night, when most of us are still asleep in the chair. 4.29.
For astronomers, the situation is clear. The first moment of the fall is the moment when the sun moving around its path, called the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator. During the year exceeds it only twice: at the point of Aries – spring and point scales – autumn. “From that moment the sun will be increasingly slipping away from the celestial equator, which days are getting shorter, the nights longer and we slowly approached the winter” – described Wojcicki.
In turn, in the southern hemisphere the situation will be exactly the opposite. “There is a moment of intersection of the Sun’s equator at the point of Balance is a sign of the beginning of astronomical spring. Nothing, however, surprising. So all are turned upside down, “- added the caller PAP.
The arrival of successive seasons – reminded – is a phenomenon moving. Every year varies primarily at their arrival, but from the day sometimes different. Although it is known that the autumn following September 23, and the summer on June 21, it is worth to be vigilant – noticed a popularizer – because from time to time season may have to hurry up to the day. “That was the case last astronomical spring. We are used to that coming on March 21, and this year came a day earlier. Now, for many years, will be coming on March 20 “- reminded Wojcicki.
As explained by differences in the arrival times of the year due to the fact that the natural phenomenon – a circulating motion of the Earth around the sun – we try to put into the framework of the artificially created, which is the calendar that takes a specific number of days, hours and minutes. “Calendar and everything related to the seasons of the year is just a reference to what is happening in the sky” – said the caller PAP.
A fall is worth looking at the sky. Astronomy enthusiasts will be able to spy on him primarily autumn constellations such. Perseus and Andromeda, whose names refer to the mythology of ancient Greece. In the second half of the night they are visible and at the end of the summer. Now they will accompany us throughout the night. One of the biggest attractions of the August sky will, however, great Andromeda Galaxy. “This is the most beautiful and one of the most distant objects that the city can be seen even with the naked eye,” – said Wojcicki.
Source: www.naukawpolsce.pap.pl
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