Monday, September 29, 2014

CERN has 60 years – Polish Radio

  Plasma ball in the Museum of the Microcosm in the CERN , photo: Auth. photo /

In yesterday’s birthday celebrations CERN, or the European Organization for Nuclear Research, was attended by delegates from 35 countries.

CERN is in Geneva; is one of the largest and most respected in the world of particle physics laboratories. Scientists working in it almost a hundred nationalities, also Polish.

The resort combines ten thousand users around the world. This is where the most powerful particle accelerator on Earth, the so-called. Great Collider Hardornów.

This is a recently discovered mysterious Higgs particle in the near future is to be used to unravel further mysteries of the universe.

– This year we are talking about the relationship between science and peace, because here for six decades people able to work together regardless of their cultural or national origin – says the head of the Organization, Rolf Heuer.

One of the most famous results of work of scientists at CERN is a web system, that is the modern internet . Men of the inventors gave it to mankind for free.



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