Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tri-City will be the second Canaveral, but gain technology … –

                         Polish Space Agency to support mainly the development of space technology.

                         photo. 3000ad /

On Friday, the Parliament voted for the creation of Polish Space Agency – Pols – with registered office in Gdańsk. The new institution will not make that Tri-City from day to day become the center of the space on the lines of the Canaveral for the great water. However, it will be easier to raise money and coordinate the production of space technology. The Agency will start work on 1 January 2015.

The modified milk, infrared thermometers, smoke detector and gas inventions that does not have ended up under the thatch, if not for the development of space technology. All come from the laboratories of NASA and originally were to be used during the mission, among others, in orbit. Huge merits of these inventions can not be assessed today. Thanks to the activities of NASA created another innovation.

A similar perspective in Poland expect originators create a Polish Space Agency (POLS). It was decided that the country should have an institution that will support the development of space technologies that will be able to be subsequently used widespread.

Recall that its creation was passed last Friday in Parliament. Earlier, when the project was discussed by the Senate, Edmund Wittbrodt – Senator from Tri-City – on one of the committees filed his amendment and moved the institution from the capital to Gdansk. Parliament adopted this amendment.

If anyone has, however, we will be in possession of their own shuttles and overhead every few hours will be a space station flew with the Polish flag painted on the hull, should their hopes put on the shelf between fairy tale. Tri-City will also center on a cosmic pattern of the Canaveral, Florida.

What is therefore to help pols?

Startup Polish Space Agency in Gdansk to ensure increase innovation and competitiveness of Polish enterprises, in addition to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Polish public administration. The aim of the agency will also meet the needs of national security.

The new institution will not only promote the knowledge and funding projects related to technologies that can be used in space, but also on land and under water. One example is the support for unmanned aircraft or submarines – says Edmund Wittbrodt, senator.

To the agency will have to be primarily initiating, preparing and implementing, inter alia, assumptions which are essential to the national interest and the national economy in the fields of space technology and space systems use satellite technology, taking into account the principle of competitiveness of Polish private and public institutions.

Is the establishment of the Polish Space Agency in Gdansk attract big investors?



so, a great opportunity for the entire region




yes, but it all depends on the

involvement of agency staff




No, but it’s good that such an institution was established in Gdansk




No, Tri-City and Western are not attractive



The new institution is also to ensure coherence and coordination of the Polish space policy, implemented within the framework of national programs, EU and international.

The Agency would support also has ongoing work on projects for Pomeranian. It should be mentioned, among others, construction of the telescope Tuchola. It will cost from 350 to 400 million. zł. So far, the device is formed forces of nine academic and technical universities in Poland, including Gdansk University of Technology.

The Agency is also to ensure better use of EU funds for the purposes of space. Poland in 2007-2013 paid to the European Union space activities over 122.5 million. In contrast, our scientists managed to win the support funds high-tech approx. 4 million. Thus, in this respect, a little fault of their own, are net contributors.

Environment scientists satisfied with the resolution of the legislature, complain about the location

Decision legislature certainly has researchers. Will facilitate the process of submitting, inter alia, applications for financial support – grants.

so far been difficult to assess whether the request for funding should be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment or the Economy, and even the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Finally, it will be ordered – says Małgorzata Michalska from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

This Space Research Centre constructed the satellite Hevelius, who for more than a month orbits . The research project was funded by the Ministery, which for this purpose has allocated nearly 15 million zł – the construction of satellites operated various scientific communities, including from the Technical University in Graz, University of Vienna, as well as universities in Toronto and Montreal.

Finding money for this type of project in Poland was not easy. I believe that the establishment of a new institution will simplify and shorten the acquisition of funds for this type of research – adds Małgorzata Michalska.

But the problem for the researchers themselves will be the location of the agency. – It’s a shame that the seat is not determined in the capital, where the majority of scientific institutions. It’s a little more difficult cooperation – says Michalska.

Where in Gdansk will be the seat of the new institution?

No specifics as to the location of the Polish Agency Space in Gdansk, but finding it to help the local authorities.

As soon as there is information about the planned location of a new institution in Gdansk, together with the president Pawel Adamowicz proposed finding the right place for this institution. It is difficult to point out, however, for the moment any specifics. We do not know what the needs will be a new agency – says Mieczyslaw Struk , Marshal of Pomerania.

An interesting proposal formulates the author of the Senate amendment to change the location of the agency. – would be a good place environment Gdansk University of Technology. Of course, Polish Space Agency should operate in a separate building from the university – says Edmund Wittbrodt.

How the money to pols?

Polish Space Agency has be financed from three sources. The basic income grants are from the state budget (deliberate and objective). In addition, the agency will be funded with money received from the European Union funds. The new institution will also be able to enter into contracts, including to support projects – consulting and management.

In the justification of the Law on Establishment of the Polish Space Agency says that the cost of its initially estimated at 5-10 million zł per year. However, it is almost negligible amount in comparison for example. Budget National Centre for Space Studies in France, which amounts to 2.49 billion dollars.

Employment in the new agency

The new agency will manage the president and two vice-presidents. Vacancy for the post of president of the agency carried out the Council of the Agency. In the course of recruitment assessed the candidate’s professional experience, knowledge necessary to perform the tasks of the position for which recruitment is carried out and the managerial competencies. Vice Presidents while longer points to the President.

In turn, the agency board is a collegial body, composed of 13 members. Nine members appointed by the President of the Council of Ministers at the request of the heads of the various ministries – including environment and national defense. Only four members of the Prime Minister points from representatives of science and industry of persons recommended by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences in consultation with the Committee on Space Research.


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