Thursday, September 25, 2014

Indian journey into space – Republic

 Rafal Tomański

Rafal Tomański

Source: Fotorzepa

India successfully placed on the Martian orbit your vehicle research. World astronautics just gained a very strong player.

No one has so far not succeeded for the first time, without any problems or bugs fly to Mars. 23 of 41 previous missions ended failures, from the beginning of the disaster are borne by everyone who wanted to explore Mars. However, India has shown that it is possible for the first time to beat hundreds of millions of miles separating our planet and Mars, and successfully put into orbit vehicle.

Historic success

The probe is named Mangalyaan, literally “Martian vehicle.” It is the first Indian planetary mission in history. After less than 10 months after the launch reached the red planet and successfully entered its orbit. Throughout Indian media a wave of joy, success praised in a special television appearance Prime Minister Modi , and the American rover Curiosity on Twitter greeted probe Sanskrit phrase “namaste”. The Indian community space travel every week attracted more and more fans, the official profile of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO – Indian Space Research Organisation) has collected more than 520 thousand. people, and the profile of the probe for Twitter followers, nearly 100 thousand. Internet users, more than the same space agency.

The success of India is studied in every respect. ISRO has earmarked for Mangalyaana almost 10 times less than NASA on its Maven (entered into orbit around Mars a few days before the Indians), because only 74 million dollars. Premier Modi even joked that sending Indian probe cost less than the production of the film “Gravity” dziejącego in space. Mangalyaan can buy a real impression that lasts much longer than the action on the movie screen. ISRO only needed 15 months to design, test and launch a probe. emerged as memes that make fun of the cost of the entire operation by comparing it to the cost of taxis in India – 780 million kilometers defeated by the vehicle for $ 74 million gives approx. 10.5 dollar per one kilometer of space travel. still more expensive than

a trip rickshaw.

Cheaper, better and faster

The other countries can only envy India. This is only 4 country that successfully placed in orbit around Mars probe, previously failed to it is only the United States, Russia and the EU. tried Japanese and Chinese, but their attempts were unsuccessful. red planet still remains the objective space missions, manned trips are planned for around 2030 years. Many, however, that time may change. On the surface of Mars research now lead two American rovers – Curiosity mentioned that sometimes chatting with the Indian companion on Twitter and Opportunity on duty for more than 10 years. Next steps Martian trip to rely on the arrival of the soil samples to Earth to carry out more detailed research, as well as to the possibility of landing and take-off of the planet.

The future belongs to India?

It is very likely that further successes in the field of exploration of Mars again do India. Labour costs of researchers from the subcontinent are much smaller than the professionals from the west, and India have comprehensively educated astrophysicists. Also important is the reduction of everything, what you can while so far the mission. Mangalyaan took on board more than four times less cargo than the American Maven, and yet it is still able to conduct research on the composition of the Martian atmosphere. India set new way of space travel and who knows if in the future there will be a country that first sends to the surface of the Red Planet manned mission.

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