Thursday, September 25, 2014

India already have the first images of the Red Planet. Mangalyaan … – TVN Meteo

On Thursday, the world went through the first image that made Mangalyaan. Just a day earlier, scientists cheered when a command center in Indian Space Research Organisation has reached a signal from the satellite.

Photography from space

The probe made a series of pictures, but only one has been published by the Indian Organization Space Research. Photograph was taken at a distance of 7 300 km from the surface of Mars. It shows red color of the planet, and many craters, formed after a meteor strikes.

Research of Mars

The spacecraft is designed to investigate Mars. The probe will investigate the surface mineral composition and climate of the fourth planet of the solar system. Professionals from the Indian Space Research Organisation is also concerned to check the content of methane in the atmosphere of

Mars. The result will be possible to find traces of life on the Red Plan.

$ 73 million

The cost of the entire mission to Mars is 4.5 billion rupees, which is about $ 73 million. India thus far short of the success of the European, Russian Space Agency and NASA.Na world taken 51 attempts to reach orbit, only 21 reached the target after multiple attempt.

India lead the space program since 1963, at that time the orbit of the planet sent many satellites.


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