After the explosion of sensation that spread around the world secondly, in the wake of a mysterious outbreak in Nicaragua, jovial mood decreased. Meteorite which trumpeted the government in Managua is only alleged object from space. All doubt and fake would air.

12-meter crater a few onlookers marveled as they neighboured fairly close to the airport and a military base forces air in Managua. Access to the press is limited to the humble żurnalistów signs from the state. Mystery swell at a rate of success of Orson Welles. Only some zawistnicy of “Discovery” on the day grymasili that meteorite something does not add up.
Government spokesman Rosario Murillo Nicaragua proudly announced that the committee was set up, which honestly examine “relatively small” object, which is rather a meteoroid. Asked the guest scientists from around the world to help the natives in unraveling the mystery, which can be
As NASA began a dworować of the meteorite, the group joined and others envious. Even the “Gazeta Wyborcza” envied the poor have one, just a five-meter deep hole. Well, people accustomed to the aging of the nightly showers (because “shower” , from the show in English) in the name of Nicolaus Copernicus and his center is not accustomed to dim even in one case. Thus it turned out that in Managua was not found even a single citizen who would see essential for this type of phenomena flash, a streak of light, trail of fire in the sky. Nothing! Just mention the recent disaster in Chelyabinsk. The people spoke very willingly and without dimming. If you filmed it for YouTube and a few dollars of Western media sharks. The event in Nicaragua should be remembered stronger light from the glare of the full moon. And in Managua nobody even officially monitors the sky, if only for a moment attributable to the October summit Draconids meteor shower or another (this also not quite the same as a meteorite.)
So, it is possible that we are dealing with collusion silence a certain part of the population of Nicaragua solidarity or anger towards urging the lumps of gold-hungry world. After all, still lack even the crumbs from the gutter to the specified time. It is worth noting that the announcement of the phenomenon resulted from government communicators impulsive duplicate messages state agencies resulted in unconditional reflex sense of duty with journalists, and more captivating wave of enthusiasm and frenzy various bloggers, vlogerów, technicians, speculators, and even gender fighters .

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