Friday, September 26, 2014

Polish Space Agency based in Gdansk, not in Warsaw –

Member of Agnieszka Pomaska ​​(PO) said on Friday the parliamentary rostrum that not all agencies or institutions should be in Warsaw. “An important part of the country is decentralization” – she pointed out. She gave the example National Science Centre, which is located in Krakow. Estimated that in Gdańsk is wystraczające scientific base for such an institution.

The opposite view was Mr Boguslaw Wontor with SLD. “There is no country in the world, where the headquarters of the space agency was located outside the capital. Agree that if the Agency will enclose various institutions (scientific – PAP), they may have their headquarters outside the capital, but the panel should be in the capital” – he stressed.

Alliance Representative pointed out that the Agency will deal with coordinating the various ministries and institutions, for example. In case of flooding. He pointed out that such coordination would be impossible outside the capital. “This is not an institution which will distribute the money, is to coordinate and Gdansk it can not be done” – he argued.

He added that the Sejm, the adoption of such amendment, the storm concept of functioning of the agency.

“I do not know whether Mr Huston Wontor considered the capital of the United States. Unless I’m mistaken, but the absolute formal hat, the activity of cosmic USA there is a focus, and not in Washington” – retorted rapporteur John Kazmierczak (PO ). He said the PAP, the decision to locate the headquarters of the Agency in Gdansk has a double meaning. He pointed out that

“relieves” a bit Warsaw and makes other cities appear to have the most important institutions “town-”.

The Mayor of Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz wrote in a statement that he is very happy that the seat of the Agency will be in the city. “This is not only important because of the new jobs and prestige, but also the decentralization of important government agencies., I hope that more and more often in large provincial cities will be invested in such institutions” – he stressed.

Poland Space Agency is to contribute to the removal of barriers to the development of companies and institutions, research and development of the space sector. In support of the Act stated that Poland in connection with participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) shall be paid to the amount of the order of tens of millions of euros per year, while the Polish sector of space, despite the potential and desire minimally involved in ESA programs.

The Agency is to coordinate the activities of the sector, which today are scattered among various institutions and departments, identify interesting and important applications, create their own laboratories, improve knowledge sharing, etc.. costs of the Agency estimated at 5-10 million zł per year.


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