Monday, September 15, 2014

Google cars will break the rules? – Interia

1 hour . 34 minutes ago

Google has for some time been developing autonomous car project, which will be able to move without driver. One of the chief engineers who worked on the project, revealed that for the sake of passenger car will dopuszczało the possibility of breaking the rules.

Google car will be able to exceed the speed allowed by the rules.


Google unveiled its own autonomous car project – without the steering wheel and pedals. Coming soon to the streets of the United States will leave 100 such machines. read more

According to recent reports, the car will be able to Google exceed the speed allowed by the rules. The point here especially

about the situation in which the car will be located close to other vehicles violators. To prevent a dangerous situation on the road, the developers assumed that the vehicle may exceed the limit of up to 16 km / h. The idea is for there to be some margin to perform the maneuver.

Of course, such a solution can immediately raise some questions. Since the car itself will exceed the speed in that case, who will have to pay the penalty for a possible mandate? Engineers or maybe a driver? You can also also consider whether Google intends to implement in their cars, other solutions break the law. Who knows, contrary to appearances, creating a smart car is not such a simple thing.

Article from category: Gadgets

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