Thursday, November 20, 2014

Another global record heat. The warmest October since 134 years – Polish Radio

In September, the agency reported that in August this year was also the hottest since 1880. In March, the World Meteorological Organization announced that 2013 was globally the sixth warmest since taking appropriate measurements, which is the continuation of a long-term trend of global warming.

All the years of the twenty-first century (2001-2013) include the 15 warmest years in the world in the history of regular measurements. The average global temperature from 1880 until 2013 increased by 0.06 degree per decade, but the pace is accelerated in

the early 60 .; in the years 1964-2013 the increase was about 0.15 degree within a decade.

See the photo – Day in pictures & gt; & gt; & gt;

PAP / IAR / aj


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Philae lander sends ,, unprecedented images of “before … –

2014-11-19 14:07

Last Wednesday, after a seven-approaching for landing Rosetta mission control team on behalf of ESA softly posadowił Philae to the surface of comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. ESA claims that the landing succeeded against all odds. Philae twice rebounded after the first touchdown on a comet to finally stop in the shade of a cliff in the late afternoon.

of foundation Philae fulfilled its primary mission to upload all data ,, own operations’ and scientific data from instruments between other Rolis, COSAC, Ptolemy, SD2 and CONSERT.

In addition, the lander body was raised to about 4 cm and rotated by about 35 ° in an effort to issue a larger area panels to sunlight. With the recent transfer of scientific data on Earth, the energy supply was quickly exhausted Philae, which had lost contact with the Rosetta lander early in the morning on Saturday. Philae landing site is shaded, which means that the lander is not able to obtain solar energy to charge the battery. From then contact the Philae will be prevented unless the sunlight reaching the panels will be sufficient to generate power capable to wake him.

However, before collapsing in a dream lander sent an unprecedented pictures of your surroundings. ESA announces: ,, While the pictures of the landing approach can be seen the comet surface covered with dust and rubble of a millimeter in diameter after the meter, panoramic images show layered walls looking for harder material. Research teams now analyze their data to see if the samples were taken of any of these materials during drilling of Philae. “

Although Philae fell now in hibernation, the ESA team is expecting much more after pioneering the lander. Stephan Ulamec, manager of

the lander on behalf of the German Space Agency DLR noted: ,, I still hope that at a later stage of the mission, maybe when we get closer to the Sun, we will have sufficient intensity of sunlight to wake the lander and re-establish communication. “

The Rosetta probe was launched 2 March 2004. and 6.4 billion kilometers defeated in the solar system before – the first spacecraft – arrived on August 6, 2014. comet. Now, as the first probe supplied to the surface of a comet. Alvaro Giménez, Director. Science and Exploration ESA unmanned said: ,, Decade preparation paved the way for today’s success, providing a probe Rosetta unchanging status of a turning point in the study of comets and space exploration. “

Although the Philae near future is to remain dormant, Rosetta will be extremely active. In the coming months, Rosetta will begin flights to more distant ,, open “orbits, carrying out a series of daring, close air by a comet, some 8 km from its center.

The ESA says that data collected by the orbiter will allow scientists to look at the short- and long-term changes that occur on a comet, which will help to answer some of the most serious and the most important questions regarding the history of our solar system.

For more information:


Sea lions molest penguins –

2014-11-19 16:30

 Sea lions molest penguins

[photo: sxc / cc / gerard79]

On subantarktycznej island again observed Male sea lions Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella), forcing the king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) sexual acts – the letter informs ,, Polar Biology. “

For the first time such a phenomenon was recorded in 2006 – a male sea lions trying to rape penguin stranded on a desert island Marion, part belonging to the South African Prince Edward Islands archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Then researchers saw it as an incident which can result from sexual frustration sexually inexperienced male. He could also be an act of aggression, associated with hunting or fun, which took a sexual nature.

However, new incidents recorded on video surprised researchers.

,, Honestly, I did not expect that the observations of a nature similar to those of 2006 ever recur; and especially that it happens many times, “- said Nico de Bruyn of the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria (South Africa). Men of scientists routinely monitor the animal life on the island and looking for rare and unusual behavior.

A team led by Nico de Bruyn and William A. Haddad observed three separate instances of sexual behavior of young male sea lions to penguins (could not be determined, what sex they were penguins). Two of the new incidents occurred in the Gulf of Goodhope Bay, and one at the beach Funk. The incident of 2006 took place in

another location – on the beach called Trypot.

The current observations are described in the article “Multiple occurrences of sexual harassment king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) by Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella)” in the professional writing ,, Polar Biology. “

All four events observed were similar. Lion chasing a penguin, grasped it and rode. Attempts to copulation takes about five minutes were punctuated by periods of rest.

The Penguins king are too small and weak to resist uchatkom. Adult Penguin measures about 90 inches and weighs several kilograms, and male sea lions can grow up to two meters and weighs approximately 150 pounds.

Female and male penguins do not have external genitalia – as most birds have holes sex and rub them during copulation – without penetration. In contrast, when compared with the Lion penetration occurred.

Sea lions sometimes hunt penguins and eat them, but they were not the victims of rape eaten (except for one).

Scientists can only speculate as to why sea lions behave in such an unusual way. New observations suggest that young sea lions mating with penguins can be a learned behavior – these mammals are able to mimic the observed behavior. Perhaps penguins are well suited for training ,, “mate.

,, I think that this behavior happens more often” – told the BBC Nico de Bruyn. (PAP)

pmw / krf


The building blocks of life on a comet – Republic

 Philae lander on the comet's surface detected organic compounds

Philae lander on the comet’s surface detected organic compounds

Source ESA

Philae lander on the comet’s surface detected organic compounds – Krzysztof Urbanski.

Organic – the carbon-containing molecules – are the basis of life on Earth. Their presence on the comet may help to solve the riddle of the way the basic “building blocks” of life appeared on Earth.

Although the European Space Agency has confirmed the discovery of organic compounds by a “nose” – an instrument cometary Sampling and Composition (COSAC) Philae lander on the surface of comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko, but did not provide any details on the topic.

– still trying to interpret the results – revealed Dr. Fred Goessmann, principal investigator of the COSAC instrument. This device is designed at the Institute of the Max Planck is equipped with a gas chromatograph and spectrometer.

Unfortunately, Philae had problems with the landing and not settled properly on the surface. Comet Device Multi-Purpose Sensors for Surface and Sub-Surface Science (MUPUS with a hammer made in the Polish Space Research Centre) was not able to knock on more than a few millimeters. MUPUS team tried to break through the crust of a comet with a hammer,

but the hammer working at top speed refused to obey the seven minutes of operation. The ice turned out to be harder than anticipated, designers.

This means that detected by COSAC organic compounds can be derived from a thin layer of dust on the surface of a comet. If this is the case, the theory of panspermia saying that life was brought to Earth along with the organic matter from comets and meteorites, has gained a new, very strong arguments. Of course, provided that the instruments were not contaminated with these compounds even before the start. Panspermia theory in the scientific community has many supporters, including Professor Stephen Hawking.

Krzysztof Urbanski

No part or whole songs contained in the log can not be reproduced or further distributed in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical, or another or for all fields of use) including copying, broadly defined digitization, photocopying or copying, including posting on the Internet – without the express written consent of Gremi Business Communication. Any use or the use of songs in whole or in part without permission Gremi Business Communication or authors of the violation of law is forbidden under penalty and may be prosecuted.


Nokia unexpectedly revealed a new tablet N1 – Polish Radio

Aluminum tablet has a 7.9-inch iPad Mini is a bit like Apple. The operating system N1 is slightly altered Android. Nokia has shown the tablet without notice. N1 is to be sold first in China, starting next year.
is the return of the Finnish company’s consumer electronics market. Earlier branch Nokia produces mobile phones took over Microsoft, which underlines that has nothing to do with the new tablet. Nokia does not manufacture the device itself, departed only the rights to the name of

a Taiwanese company Foxconn. According to some experts it comes to branding, because Nokia recently seriously lost and income, and its share in the market of electronic equipment.

IAR, bk


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Organic particles on a comet. This is the last report of Philae –

Organic molecules found in comet 67 P. He found them l ądownik Philae , who sat on it last Wednesday. This information gave the German space agency, DLR.Było this historic landing. Not only did the first terrestrial lander touched softly surface of a comet , it’s still – as they say German scientists – wywąchał on the organic molecules.

Information about Philae sent shortly before I went into hibernation due to exhausted batteries. One of the research instruments detected carbon-containing molecules, but for now it is not clear whether they are organic molecules so

complex that they can come in the protein , ie chemical compounds necessary for life. Built by Polish experts instrument MUPUS at the same time showed that the comet’s surface is as hard as ice, which is harder than expected.


Philae lander on the comet discovered organic molecules –

                  Photo: MEDIALIAB / AFP
                  Philae lander on the comet discovered carbon atoms

The researchers are currently conducting research to demonstrate whether on a comet are complex compounds. One of the research instruments detected carbon-containing molecules, but for now it is not clear whether they are organic molecules so complex that they can be part of the protein, ie chemical compounds necessary for life.

– The study will help us understand whether organic particles were brought to earth by comets – found in “Wall Street Journal” Stephan Ulamec the European Space Agency.

The lander, which is powered by solar energy, received light for 1.5 hours per day instead of seven hours and For this reason, as announced European

Space Agency, now went into hibernation.

Rosetta Mission leads the European Agency for (ESA). Although previously missions to comets, it is – as recalled by Charles Wojcicki from the Copernicus Science Centre – has never failed to put on the surface of the comet and the test equipment to conduct research there.

Its share in the Rosetta mission are also Poles. Together with the lander on the comet’s surface, there will also be MUPUS instrument developed by researchers from the Centre for Space Research.

After landing on a comet has a knock on its surface and, among others, investigate the temperature. The movie popularizing knowledge of the Rosetta mission, on behalf of ESA, completed Tomek Baginski, director of animated films, including the Oscar-nominated “Cathedral”.

Rosetta probe its mission began in 2004. Then fired it into space. With hibernation wybudzono it in January. after 957 days of traveling in the direction of the comet. From that moment already done a lot of tasks. How informed the ESA, the two first images of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko poll done in March.

In mid-October photographed group of rocks on the surface of the comet, and the largest of them was called “Cheops”. With the probe, the researchers found, too, that the comet releases water into space at a rate equal to two glasses of a second.



Kiss under the microscope – Virtual Poland

A kiss under the microscope

The 123RF

Even 80 million is borne bacteria during the ongoing 10 seconds kiss – according to a study presented in the “Microbiome”. The researchers found that partners kissing at least nine times a day have a similar composition of the bacterial flora of the mouth.

 In our bodies alive a rich ecosystem of 100 trillion microorganisms. This Microbiome we needed – helps digestive system function, synthesize certain nutrients and defends against disease. The fact that this Microbiome is determined not only by our genes, diet and age, but also the people with whom we deal.

In the same mouth there are more than 700 varieties of bacteria. It is in their composition can affect our loved ones – the researchers said the Micropia and TNO in the Netherlands after the test 21 pairs.

The researchers asked the subjects to fill in questionnaires about. Habits of kissing, including how often it happens. Later married to paragraph swabs to investigate the composition of the microflora present on their languages ​​and saliva.

They found that when couples kiss passionately and quite often, micro-organisms in their saliva are becoming more similar. Such unification favors at least nine kisses a day.

An intimate, deep kiss seems to be a characteristic behavior for the period of courtship unique only to humans. It is present

in more than 90 percent. known cultures of the world – notes lead author of the study, Remco Kort department of microbiology and biological systems at TNO.

As reserves, the precise impact of an intimate kiss on the microflora paragraph probably has not yet been investigated.
  “We wanted to check the extent to which partners have a common microflora paragraph. And it turns out that the more you kiss, the more they become alike in this respect,” – he said.

When analyzing the data from the questionnaires, the study authors noted the occasion an interesting regularity. Estimating the number of kisses, up 74 percent. men have reported a greater number than their partner. Surveys of men appeared an average of 10 kisses a day, with their partners – an average of five.

(PAP), zan / mrt /


How to overcome sleepiness autumn?

The researchers examined why the kiss is

Lifestyle up to one third of the influences on how young you look


The Evolution of Desire. How do people split into pairs


Have an Android smartphone? Watch out for suspicious SMS – News 24

Dangerous virus distributed using SMS threatens users with Android devices. Android.Wormle.1.origin is able to include steal data and remove applications. List of its features is substantial. / Fig. Kārlis Dambrāns / CC BY 2.0 Android.Wormle.1.origin this worm sent out SMS. When you are on your Android device sends a signal to the servers controlled by hackers. In this way, criminals can make huge damage.

The list of possibilities is given virus Hack. Find there, among others, the ability to send SMS messages, collect and send information from your phone to cybercriminals servers (including SMS, contacts, phone numbers, files, etc.), delete all text messages, and

even perform a DDoS attack.

Read also: Frog got more than 100 charges. Four Warsaw courts will deal with the matter of Robert N.

How to defend against Android.Wormle.1.origin? Pay attention to the SMS message with a suspicious link. Unfortunately, the virus is able to send out text messages to all of our contacts, because the sender of a message may unconsciously familiar. According to Doctor Web SMS were sent to 14 thousand. members from 20 countries and spread very quickly.

The virus creates a shortcut on the main screen. We find it in the application list system as “com.driver.system.”


DirectX12 ultimately does not work out for Windows 7 – Interia

Today, Nov. 18 (5:32)

DirectX 12 in the assumption of developers is to improve performance by 60% and simultaneously reduce energy consumption by half.

Time will tell how much will come true promises, but it is already clear that the library will not benefit the holders of Windows 7, and informed service PC Gamer. No DirectX 12 for Windows 7 is a decision dictated by Microsoft, that from January next year will limit the support for “sevens”.

It is worth recalling that, since October 31, the Redmond company has withdrawn from the sale of selected versions of the OS. It is very controversial play that Windows 7 is still the most popular system in the world – now use it 53.05% of users worldwide.

There is also convincing statistics published on Steam, according to which 47% users are

using a computer running Windows 7 64-bit, while only one-fifth use of Windows 8.1. We remind you that DirectX 12 will be compatible with the upcoming Windows 10.

This article is excerpted from the category: News

Source of information


“This War of Mine” generates profits after two days of sales – Banker

Management 11 bit studios SA (The “Company”) announces that revenues from the sale of the game “This War of Mine” during the opening weekend covered the costs associated with the creation of the game. Further revenues are already profit for the Company.

“This War of Mine” presents an unprecedented look at the topic of war. For the first time the player takes no soldiers, and civilians trying to survive in the besieged city. During the day, snipers make it impossible to leave the shelter. At night scours the nearby locations in the hopes of finding items that will increase the chances of survival.

The latest promotional video can be seen here:

For more information about

the game can be found at

Podstawa Legal: § 3. 2 points. 2) of Schedule 3 to the Alternative Trading System Rules “Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on NewConnect.”

Source: New Connect – communications companies (EIB)


Kiss under the microscope. “Up to 80 million bacteria” –

2014-11-18 6:34

 A kiss under the microscope. & quot; up to 80 million bacteria & quot;

[Photo: Veronika Vasilyuk -]

Author: (ed. Lands.)

The researchers found that partners kissing at least nine times a day have a similar composition of the bacterial flora of the mouth.

Even 80 million is borne bacteria during the 10-s kiss – according to a study presented at the Microbiome .

In our bodies alive a rich ecosystem of 100 trillion microorganisms. This Microbiome we needed – helps digestive system function, synthesize certain nutrients and defends against disease. The fact that this Microbiome is determined not only by our genes, diet and age, but also the people with whom we deal.

In the same mouth there are more than 700 varieties of bacteria. It is in their composition can affect our loved ones – the researchers said the Micropia and TNO in the Netherlands after the test 21 pairs.

The researchers asked the subjects to fill in questionnaires about. Habits of kissing, including how often it happens. Later married to paragraph swabs to investigate the composition of the microflora present on their

languages ​​and saliva.

They found that when couples kiss passionately and quite often, micro-organisms in their saliva are becoming more similar. Such unification favors at least nine kisses a day.

An intimate, deep kiss seems to be a characteristic behavior for the period of courtship unique only to humans. It is present in more than 90 percent. known cultures of the world – notes lead author of the study, Remco Kort department of microbiology and biological systems at TNO.

As reserves, the precise impact of an intimate kiss on the microflora paragraph probably has not yet been investigated. – We wanted to check the extent to which partners have a common microflora paragraph. And it turns out that the more you kiss, the more you are in this respect like – he said.

When analyzing the data from the questionnaires, the study authors noted on the occasion of an interesting regularity. Estimating the number of kisses, up 74 percent. men have reported a greater number than their partner. Surveys of men appeared an average of 10 kisses a day, with their partners – an average of five.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Nokia Lumia 830 – a short test 5-calowca with Windows Phone 8.1 –

Nokia Lumia 830 – a test

Nokia Lumia 830 during the official presentation was boldly compared by the creators of such models, as the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Apple iPhone 5s. They tried to emphasize that the new smartphone Microsoft provides great functionality at a reasonable price. It sounds interesting, but quite misses to the practice, because Lumii 830 in terms of performance and equipment much closer to the new Motorola Moto G flagship amended than genuine, which is to be the Lumia 930. On the other hand, not widely known that digits is not everything and that they do not determine whether a phone is worth the money or not. As it so it is with the Lumia 830?

Dimensions 139.4 × 70.7 × 8.5 mm LTE Cat 4 (up to 150 Mb / s)
weight 150 g Wi-Fi dual-band, n
screen 5 inches NFC Yes
1280 x 720 Infrared No
LCD FM radio Yes
CPU Snapdragon 400 The output image No
4 × 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7 USB Host No
Adreno 305 Noise Reduction Yes
RAM 1 GB Built-in Memory 14.5 GB
Battery 2200 mAh micro-SD Yes (64+ GB)
The camera on the back photos : 10 MP, OIS, LED, autofocus
Video : 1080p @ 30 fps. / sec.
Front camera photos : 0.9 MP
Video : 720p @ 30 fps. / sec.
Other Pedometer

Nokia Lumia 830

Nokia Lumia 830

The Lumia 820 puts on plastic, colorful and rounded enclosure, which can be easily replaced, and the Lumia 830 is impressive and robust equipment belonging to some higher-end, mainly due to the metal frame, giving the whole structure incredible stiffness and a pinch of smartfonowego dignity. Her lump gently reminds us of the Lumia 930, but does not lack its own character, mainly due to the specific (and somewhat controversial) coating the rear camera, reminiscent of … Lumia 1520 (maybe this character is not the end of the self;) ).

The Nokia Lumia 830 may be appealing, especially lovers of gadgets decent who are not afraid of a few extra millimeters here and there. Not forgotten the followers of interchangeable colored covers, but this time change can be “only” the back cover, not the entire housing, as in the older model. The whole makes good first impression in the hand quite well, is made of quality materials, and glass front is nicely rounded edges.

However, not everything went perfectly. We have a minor objections to fold back the flap with metal frame, because you can see a clear gap between them (especially in the lower part). Maybe this is the affliction of our copy, but rather we feel that just fine snaps back flip they develop a little faster than they should, which fail to comply adequately with the task.

Windows Phone 8.1 allows you to create smartphones without characteristic of this system row of three buttons under the screen, but fortunately Lumii 830 of them abandoned. Metal buttons for volume and locking system and a two-level shutter button, located on the right edge of the chassis are tuned to near perfection and the use of them is a pleasure, to the next higher class Lumie us have had time to get used to. The micro-USB port and headphone inserted on the upper side, and very clearly indicating the notifications speaker mounted in the lower part of the back. All of these elements are not in any way unique or surprising, but you can not fault them, because excel perfectly, which is already a kind of success.


The rear flap is removed much more easily than colored frustules Lumii 820 and everyone will guess right away what he should do to insert a SIM card, and it was not so obvious in that moment before a forerunner. Under the flap and what is most important: replaceable battery with a capacity of 2200 mAh, card slot and a micro-SD card slot nano-SIM. So everything is in its place.

In short, the Lumia 830 is a solid smartphone that should appeal to lovers of existing Lumii, because he has them very much in common. The more that at some point the designers of the brand have learned a little better use of space, so the novelty, despite the 5-inch screen is manageable from 4.5-inch Lumii 920;) The quality of workmanship and ergonomics actually could be compared to that which provides a lot more expensive models, although peculiarly “cased” the camera does not appeal to everyone. We seem slight triumph of form over substance.

 Nokia Lumia 830

briefly about the software, communications and multimedia

Of course, the Lumia 830 is based on a tiled platform, Windows Phone 8.1, which is not too plenty of room for any big differences between the devices. The user immediately knows what will his eyes when you first start your new phone. Therefore, at this point we will only mention two things associated with this system and described the Lumia: for platform Microsoft Health and stability.

Now all manufacturers want to keep their smartphones aided physical activity users, and virtually everyone has some idea on this. Microsoft also wants to participate in this race, as evidenced by the platform Microsoft Health . In Lumii 830 dealt with the right program and a built-in pedometer, which is probably a regular part of the new phones. Fitness tool except that it works with pedometer and compiles data supplied by him, to capture taken and calories burned, and track their activity, and provides a set of tips on what exercises to do and how to achieve the desired effect. The objective is to communicate with bands and watches similar to Microsoft’s Band, so you can see that the Redmond giant is taking it seriously and trying to develop a comprehensive solution for athletes and people who would like them to be used, but which for some reason still fails;)

Subject stability problems comes back to us like a boomerang every time you test a new Lumia, based on newer versions of Windows Phone, as if Microsoft and Nokia duo had difficulty with fine tune the equipment. Unfortunately, the Lumia 830 is sometimes chimerical and during the test many times it happened to us that the browser itself, excluded, or at some point in the system recognize that we need to look at closely kafelkom, rather than combined with the change of tone. Once or twice we also happened to randomly reboot. Knowing life, some packages will update everything to order, but it is surprising how regularly new Lumie suffer from any ailments of childhood, although theoretically platform should be stable and refined due to their relatively closed nature.

O connectivity and multimedia hard to write us something more than that the smartphone in this respect does not disappoint and does not stand out either positively or negatively. We saw no major problems with range, the handset provides a decent volume and sound quality, and headphone output is sufficient (although its volume and tone a little inferior equipment direct rivals). It lacks a video output, Wi-Fi version of ac and a few other small things, but most users will not encounter the bigger problems.


Rosetta took photos of “jumps” Philae – Polish Radio

  photo ESA / Rosetta / OSIRIS.

photos were taken by the OSIRIS camera mounted on soda Rosetta in cagua 30 minutes of the first landing of Philae.

From left to right you can see how Philae coming up to the first landing, and then flies off again towards the east.

I still do not know the place of final landing of Philae. However, scientists from ESA are getting closer to determining its location.

lander batteries are exhausted in the night from Friday to Saturday Polish time. At the moment is asleep. Before he could, however, take a sample from the comet’s surface and send data to Rosetta – and this gave them back to Earth.

(ew / ESA)
