Friday, November 7, 2014

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will have 16 free DLC –

The next day after the premiere ie. 25 February 2015 year on all platforms will be released the first batch of additions to the game, which will appear for the next 15 weeks. For any DLC will not pay a penny.

The offer will be valid all – no matter when you bought the game and what it has to edit. The first pack will find extras such as Temerian kit and extra hairstyles and beards for Geralt. The following appears in the alternate outfit for Yennefer and additional job. Information about the next DLC will be revealed gradually.

CD Projekt RED as one of the few publishers in the world promotes the idea of ​​a fair policy toward the players – the game does not have security, micropayments and paid DLC. The guiding mission of creating such a culture tells itself Marcin Iwiński in his last letter to fans:

Games accompany me since I can remember. I’ve always been one of my favorite forms of spending time. When we assumed the CD PROJECT RED, guided us to one idea – we wanted to create a game with passion, from the players for the players. In retrospect, it seems to me that the success of The Witcher is largely due to the fact that I have never forgotten how it feels to be player.

The feeling that accompanies us when we buy the game, and after finishing we put it on a shelf and admire the entire collection … It is something that makes us feel good, something that makes it’s cool to be a player. Great is also when the creator of our favorite titles

provide support for their games. It is good to be able to speak to someone and get help quickly; it is fun too, when there’s a patch that improves the gameplay, or adds new elements to the game. These things really do not need to be large, less additives also can enjoy. We still remember the days when eg. A new map for the game did not mean having to reach for your wallet.

The world has changed, we understand the business realities, but we think that it really does not mean that eg. An extra sword or armor for a horse must be paid. In particular, it literally just paid for a brand new game.

Here comes The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – our largest and most ambitious game, and also a project that I hope to associate already RPG fans all over the world . This is our opportunity to show the players and the industry that can be otherwise. To thank you for your purchase of the game, every player, regardless of the version of the game, ie. Platform or editing, will receive 16 DLC for free. We hope that the DLC-ki will give you an extra jolly good time with the game, and quite by the way, if anyone in the industry decide to do the same, it certainly will not mind.

Hold on,


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