Apparently, one third of Poles are digitally excluded. I do not agree with these studies – digitally excluded is anyone who lives in Poland.
I would start to worry about these little shops that I might fall, because I support Amazon’s monopoly, buying him everything what we can, using, inter alia, Amazon Echo. Or Amazon Dash.
But I can not, because Amazon Echo is not for me . These are not my problems. Somewhere, in a better world, they can worry about. And I, and so I should be happy that at least I can afford to buy the new iPhone.
Old people do not use the Internet. So what?!
Last louder is about people digitally excluded . People who have never used the internet. The problem? According to me – small. If they wanted, and they could not, then we should worry. However, these are people who probably nothing, according to them, do not lose. The Internet? grandson, and why do I need it. You can encourage them, because the effects are like in the video below, but for their lack of internet is really a small loss. know what eyes do not see, the heart does not regret.
There is a much larger group of needing to keep up with everything new. With Amazon Echo, for example, . But he can not, because such services in Poland simply does not exist. It’s me, you, almost everyone who looks at technological services and is interested in news.
We want to, but in this case, much depends on us. We are at the mercy of disgrace and grace of others.
This is a real digital divide . Exclusion of Technology. I does not apply to 30% of Poles, and all who live in this country. This is not a problem of pensioners and teenagers, twenties and thirties. Simply put – we are not citizens of the digital world.
Examples can be multiplied. Echo Amazon, Netflix, Hulu . PlayStation 4
This is just the tip of the iceberg
We live in a different world . Sometimes we forget, because we have YouTube, Spotify, iPhone 6, even the Kindle hits us. But really, we are a technological hole. A place where almost everything arrives late. While in general.
We feel like our parents, who knew that somewhere out there in the West sell discs Sex Pistols and Pink Floyd and can buy them all . We have not been so recorded radio broadcasts, while a few enjoyed the gifts from my aunt from the UK. Today, these vinyls are applications or services.
We now also liżemy lollipop through the glass. Again. Progress? Maybe some are, but yet incredibly slow. Apparently the 2014, like we all live in the same world, we can buy a smartphone or a smart watch, but really gulf separates us . West and we – it still does not fit together.
Even if we have the same device, the It will work with us otherwise. Or not at all.
No that we have the Internet, does not mean that we are the same as other western countries.
We do not have access to many basic – eg. for the American – gadgets, with a candle to look at us normal, popular “in the West” services. It’s high time to say: “are digitally excluded.”
I can finally This should take care of the minister of administration and digitization ? Or parliamentary committee innovation and new technology?

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