2014-11-19 16:30

[photo: sxc / cc / gerard79]
On subantarktycznej island again observed Male sea lions Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella), forcing the king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) sexual acts – the letter informs ,, Polar Biology. “
For the first time such a phenomenon was recorded in 2006 – a male sea lions trying to rape penguin stranded on a desert island Marion, part belonging to the South African Prince Edward Islands archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Then researchers saw it as an incident which can result from sexual frustration sexually inexperienced male. He could also be an act of aggression, associated with hunting or fun, which took a sexual nature.
However, new incidents recorded on video surprised researchers.
,, Honestly, I did not expect that the observations of a nature similar to those of 2006 ever recur; and especially that it happens many times, “- said Nico de Bruyn of the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria (South Africa). Men of scientists routinely monitor the animal life on the island and looking for rare and unusual behavior.
A team led by Nico de Bruyn and William A. Haddad observed three separate instances of sexual behavior of young male sea lions to penguins (could not be determined, what sex they were penguins). Two of the new incidents occurred in the Gulf of Goodhope Bay, and one at the beach Funk. The incident of 2006 took place in
The current observations are described in the article “Multiple occurrences of sexual harassment king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) by Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella)” in the professional writing ,, Polar Biology. “
All four events observed were similar. Lion chasing a penguin, grasped it and rode. Attempts to copulation takes about five minutes were punctuated by periods of rest.
The Penguins king are too small and weak to resist uchatkom. Adult Penguin measures about 90 inches and weighs several kilograms, and male sea lions can grow up to two meters and weighs approximately 150 pounds.
Female and male penguins do not have external genitalia – as most birds have holes sex and rub them during copulation – without penetration. In contrast, when compared with the Lion penetration occurred.
Sea lions sometimes hunt penguins and eat them, but they were not the victims of rape eaten (except for one).
Scientists can only speculate as to why sea lions behave in such an unusual way. New observations suggest that young sea lions mating with penguins can be a learned behavior – these mammals are able to mimic the observed behavior. Perhaps penguins are well suited for training ,, “mate.
,, I think that this behavior happens more often” – told the BBC Nico de Bruyn. (PAP)
pmw / krf

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