Photo: PAP
Conference NEC
Giving local election results delayed. He said the chairman of the National Electoral Commission KW Stefan Jaworski, the problem lies in the fact that not every territorial committee responsible – local, district and provincial – can print your own protocol based on the results from their territory and communicate the results to the competent Commissioner voivodship, which shall compile the results of the his province.
Commissioners provincial communicate the results to the NEC protocol, on the basis of NEC shall compile the results of voting in across the country. Jaworski confirmed that some territorial committees still have trouble with the drawing up of prints.
– There was no interruption of the committee’s work peripheral. These committees, which count the votes and who have not completed the counting of votes and documentation, continue it. The problem concerns the territorial committee – municipal, district and provincial. Only some of them have problems, suspended work for a few hours – he said.
Results elections delayed, the company is translated
Owner information, which prepared the system for the election Maciej Cetler, said that the system has no problems with the performance – a problem occurred approx. 23.00, when he was a large influx of protocols, and lasted approx. 10 minutes. He explained that the current problem lies in the transition between the “purely digital format,” a version of “digestible for ordinary people.”
He assured that the error does not affect the same counting of votes, and” the problem lies in the fact that members of the territorial election commissions do not see the results of calculations. “
– We estimate that the removal of failures occur within a few hours – Cetler said. He admitted that the company did not expect this type of fault.
Cetler noted that the approved more than 88 thousand . protocols for approval was approx. 32 thousand.
Secretary of NEC Kazimierz Czaplicki said that the software company has been selected in the tender, reported as the only one of its bid meets the specification of essential terms of the public contract, there was no reason to cancel the tender. Jaworski added that the activities of NEC, including matters relating to tenders, regularly monitors the SCC.
When asked, or has information about the need to translate classes in some schools, where he was located electoral commissions, chairman of the NEC said that there is no such data, but “the obvious thing” that such situations could happen.
NEC representatives also refused to submit declarations on the availability of data on the website of the Commission.
The results of the election in the event of partial
As announced NEC, a total of 2 thousand. 477 elected mayors and presidents of cities results established in 238 municipalities and cities. For a total of 2 thousand. 477 municipalities of the results established in 137 councils.
NEC said that the information on hours. 9 was produced on the basis of information obtained electronically from 81 thousand. 901 protocols of voting results on the total number of 123 thousand. 397 protocols.
Results of the elections to county councils and provincial councils for not yet ustalono.Wstępne results indicate that the elections to the provincial assemblies Polish Peasant Party won the most votes in the province. Warmia and Mazury (40.33 percent.) Podlasie (40.20 per cent.) and Lublin (37.66 percent.).
Law and Justice Party won the most votes in the province. Podkarpackie (45.57 per cent.), Lesser (41.60 per cent.) and Lublin (32.59 percent.).
The Civic Platform won the most votes in the province. Pomorskie (37.19 per cent.), Lower Silesia (33.11 per cent.) and West (32.86 percent.). SLD won the most votes in the province. Lubusz (14.76 per cent.) and West (12.10 per cent.) and Greater (10.36 percent.).
New Right HRH won the most votes in the province. Pomeranian (4.10 percent.), Lesser (4.05 per cent.) and Lower Silesia (3.97 percent.). National Movement won the most votes in the province. Podkarpackie (2.43 percent.). Direct Democracy won the most votes in the province. Lodz (1.29 percent.).
In Toruń, Lublin, Gorzow Wielkopolski., Kielce and Rzeszów will not be a second round of elections for mayors. In Toruń, Michał Zaleski won with the support of 70.25 per cent .; Rzeszów – Tadeusz Ferenc (66.31 per cent.) in Lublin – Krzysztof Zuk (60.13 per cent.), in Gorzow Wielkopolski. – Jacek Wojcicki (60.64 per cent.) and Kielce – Wojciech Lubawski (55.68 per cent .). (PAP) brw / MJ / Prussian / Malk

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