Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Expert: Polish Thursday, the machine starts to investigate the comet – Virtual Poland

Landing on a comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko is a great success. However, the Polish scientists time to true joy comes only on Thursday. Then start working on a comet Polish MUPUS device – said Eng. George Grygorczuk.

On Wednesday, Rosetta lander settled on the surface of the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko – said the mission of leading the European Space Agency. This is the first case in the history of landing on a comet testing device.

– It is a great joy and a very important event. This is one of those achievements that extend our knowledge and understanding further, once unattainable for us objects – said Eng. George Grygorczuk of the Space Research Centre.

 He is one of the designers placed on the lander testing device MUPUS tasked with, among others, temperature investigate comets. – For us, land that is not even that important, happy moment. For it we have to wait for a while. Our device, the construction of which we spent a lot of years, will start work until Thursday and late in the evening. However, due to the fact that the lander landed well we can start driving very difficult stage in the land of the comet – he said.

As explained MUPUS must first eject and closer to the surface of a comet. – At this time aboard the lander is about 60 centimeters

above the surface. When you reach it, it sticks to a depth of 40 cm. After completion of the measurements begin driving the thermal profile of the comet, the thermal conductivity. The progress of progress bar will be driving us informed depth sensor. After that we will evaluate the mechanical properties of soil comet – described Eng. Grygorczuk.

The Rosetta probe its mission began in 2004. Then fired it into space. With hibernation wybudzono it in January. after 957 days of traveling in the direction of the comet. From that moment already done a lot of tasks. How informed the ESA, the two first images of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko poll done in March. In mid-October photographed a group of rocks on the surface of the comet, and the largest of them was called “Cheops”. With the probe, the researchers found, too, that the comet releases water into space at a rate equal to two glasses of a second.



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