According to the new head of the British electronic intelligence center Robert Hannig Facebook and Twitter are the channels of communication for terrorists, and US corporations are turning a blind eye to it
Hannigan believes that through social networking members of terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State recruit and communicate with the command.
The head of the British electronic intelligence center announced that his organization can participate in a “mature debate on the topic of privacy in the digital age.”
– Privacy has never been an absolute right and this debate should not lead to the deposition of weighty and difficult decisions – he said.
According to Hannigan społeczniościowe media should cooperate with the security services. It points out that social networking sites are increasingly used by podofilów, criminals and terrorists.
Al-Qaeda in the past used the internet to anonymously broadcast their propaganda. Members of the Islamic State better yet mastered the principles of functioning in
Hannigan called in “Financial Times” to pact in defense of ‘common values of democracy, which, after all shared. “
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