Science and Technology Archaeology Bronze Economy wypaleniskowa History Trzciniec culture Barrow Opatowek Burials Radoszki Dig
Students, leading to the village of Radoszki (province. swietokrzyskie) archaeological surface survey discovered in the valley of the river Opatówka mound, numbering three thousand. years. The residue of the former inhabitants of Sandomierz was well known to the local residents and was called the mound, but considered it to be a natural object.
Barrow in Radoszkach is probably a sepulchral mound, built in the second millennium BC in the Bronze Age by representatives Trzciniec culture. In the valley Opatówka is more like mounds. According to archaeologists, they
Their importance explains Dr. Marek Florek from the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University: “If we analyzed the areas along Opatówka similar mounds find more. Arranged in such a way as to be visible from each another. That we may suggest that their location is appropriate. In addition to the burial mounds could perform the functions of the organization of space, a kind of approximate points on the ground. “

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