A big change at Microsoft. Office will now be available on mobile devices and it’s free. Thanks giant wants to prevent users losing package on personal computers.
As he writes CNN Money, over the years, the Office was not even available on mobile devices, and what dopiera for free. That began to change in the summer of 2013 when the office was opened on iPnone’ach and finally on Android devices.
In March of this year, the software also went on the iPad. It was necessary, however, to pay $ 99 for

Office 365.
Now users iPhones, iPads and Android devices can create and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations – even if they are not customers of Office 365 – writes CNN Money.
Changes in Microsoft forced the market. Traditional computers and laptops began to descend into the background giving way to smartphones. In addition, the products of competing companies began to be available on smartphones and is in better prices. Google already offers a free app Drive, and Apple iWork on their iPads and iPhones.
By providing Office for free for mobile users Microsoft is confident that he will maintain the existing user base package for personal computers. Importantly, as the CNN Money, free Office on mobile devices do not have some features available in the paid versions.
Author: me // km / Source: CNN Money

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