Thursday, November 6, 2014

Microsoft Office distributes mobile devices with iOS and … –

Today Microsoft released new versions of Office applications designed for iOS. Also enabled access to free Office first Android tablet users, as of now, only those who are involved in special studies, it is soon to change, however – Office will be free for all.

So far, the free mobile version of the package can enjoy in principle, only the owners of iPads. They used the most functional and most convenient mobile version of the package. IPhone users have access to a version of the Office’s worse.

Fig. Apple

Today, this is changing. Microsoft provides new applications for mobile and tablets from Apple. Users of iPhones are gaining a much better interface and some nice features such as improved text flow, full-screen mode in Excel, improved presentation in PowerPoint. Users iPads through renovation will benefit from better integration with Dropbox. And most importantly be able to use all the features of the free package (editing, changing, preview) without having to buy Office 365, as was the case so far.

Free Mobile Office for the iPhone (including This iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus) can be downloaded at this address.


Android Tablet users will soon be able to download as refined version of Office. Also for free. Prime

Minister Runner free version of Office, with separate applications Word, Excel and PowerPoint, is expected early next year. At this time, the program may take only enrolled in special studies consumer.

Fig. Apple

Fig. Microsoft

Giving away free Office users competing mobile systems makes sense. Microsoft can not push out of the market, also weakens the manufacturers of other office suites. It undermines the monopoly of Google. Microsoft on mobile devices “almost there”. Worse it goes both to the system (Windows Phone) as well as with search engine (Bing). Microsoft help a few services such as even OneDrive which provides users with more space for free .

Venture Beat says that new applications for iOS were prepared in close cooperation with Apple. Thus, the version of Android had just require a successful partnership with Google.

Once again, it turned out that the war of giants most profitable to us – the consumers.


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