Thursday, November 13, 2014

The lander settled European space probe on a comet –

                  Photo: AFP
                  The lander settled European space probe on a comet

Philae lander separated Stukilogramowy on Wednesday of the parent probe Rosetta comet 67P circling / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. However, in the course of the ongoing seven hours of Philae to the comet’s approach failed to start two harpoons, which were to fix the lander to the surface of the nucleus – which triggered fears that the camera zdryfuje in open space.

first sent from a distance of five hundred million kilometers picture shows the lander on the surface of the nucleus, in the harsh rocky landscape. With obtained by ESA data shows that after reaching the nucleus of Philae twice bounced away from him, but then fell back and stopped about 18:30 Polish time on Wednesday.

The landing took place 10 years after the start of the Earth and Rosetta was associated with risk, since the surface configuration having a size of three to five kilometers of the comet nucleus was not previously known. Scientists hope that the collected and analyzed by

the lander’s instruments samples to help expand your knowledge on the origin of planets and life, as matter of comets forming ice and rocks hold organic molecules from the ancient past.

Rosetta was launched March 2, 2004 from Kourou spaceport in French Guiana. To reach the comet, the probe used to increase the speed of their gravitational fields of the planets, approaching this purpose in 2005-2009 to the Earth three times and once to Mars. Therefore, with respect to the sun’s trajectory has the shape of an expanding spiral.

Since this spiral almost reached Jupiter’s orbit Rosetta for a long time within the zone of much reduced in comparison with the earth intensity of solar radiation. Therefore, in July 2011 on-board equipment trzytonowego probe introduced into sleep mode to activate it in January of this year, when the solar panels could again reach the required power.

September 10, after a series of maneuvers near the nucleus of the comet, Rosetta entered orbit around it, which in spaceflight has never practiced. Also, a rear lander on the surface of the nucleus is unprecedented in the history of astronautics.

Scientists assume that the Philae will be intensively sending the data for two and a half days, or even longer – which is dependent on the rate of discharging its batteries. In contrast, the research activities Rosetta probe will last until the end of 2015.

their participation in the Rosetta mission are also Poles . The lander is MUPUS instrument developed by scientists at the Space Research Centre. MUPUS is a knock at the surface of the nucleus, to examine, inter alia, temperature. The movie popularizing knowledge of the Rosetta mission completed on behalf of ESA Polish director Tomasz Baginski.



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