Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Organic particles on a comet. This is the last report of Philae – Dziennik.pl

Organic molecules found in comet 67 P. He found them l ądownik Philae , who sat on it last Wednesday. This information gave the German space agency, DLR.Było this historic landing. Not only did the first terrestrial lander touched softly surface of a comet , it’s still – as they say German scientists – wywąchał on the organic molecules.

Information about Philae sent shortly before I went into hibernation due to exhausted batteries. One of the research instruments detected carbon-containing molecules, but for now it is not clear whether they are organic molecules so

complex that they can come in the protein , ie chemical compounds necessary for life. Built by Polish experts instrument MUPUS at the same time showed that the comet’s surface is as hard as ice, which is harder than expected.


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