– The system works but not very efficiently and satisfactorily – so, in one sentence, the head of NEC Stefan Jaworski concluded gigantic problems with the counting of votes and the computer system that was supposed to improve. Questions about the causes of these problems have dominated the afternoon conference PMC. The conclusion is: improving the system by an external company is reportedly in the final stage, but – as the NEC no longer provide not believe – begins to “introduce alternative systems summarizing the election.” Put simply: it starts manually count the votes.
With the malfunctioning system which was developed by company Nabino Lodz, PMC employees have enormous problems since Sunday evening. The system works poorly, inter alia, because it worked on him in a big hurry – specialists had in its creation barely three months. Control system and spending by the NEC has already announced the Supreme Chamber of Control.
– This is an autonomous decision of the SCC. We are subject to the annual budget and monitoring the implementation of this control takes the first of the year to the end of the first quarter of next year – he referred to the information chief of PMC Stefan Jaworski.
This action itself

The creation of …
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The Commission admit, however, that the system – so far – does not live up to expectations. But the management of NEC avoids sharp accusations against the contractor orders. During an afternoon press conference just trying to translate these enigmatic and defend the system and its decision to assume grotesque moments formula.
Jaworski said, for example, that “the system is working, although not very efficiently and in a satisfactory manner and are not always counted as a whole is what interests us. ” For this reason, NEC has decided to introduce – in the words Jaworski – “some alternative ways of summarizing the election results.”
The transition to manual
“Alternative” is simply rely on old but proven “manual” adding up the votes. Judge Stanisław Zablocki with NEC admitted, however, that he still hopes that the system will start at the end of the relevant work as it should.
Next fell more words about “patchworkowym” system, in which at the moment are functioning NEC staff and the fact that according to the assurances of
But in such promises, the Commission no longer wants to believe. – Not having today hundred percent guarantee that this system will allow the ad overall results of the elections to local government, NEC decided that in case that did not show up after allegations that we waited too long with the launch of an alternative system, we will take action in this direction (…) that can be quickly ad the overall results of the election – intricately Zablocki explained.

The State Commission …
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Manual system had yet to move in on Monday, after the press conference PMC.
Explaining in more detail what exactly happens vulnerabilities in a computer system NEC officials explained that it performs well “at the primary level “that the committees peripheral enter data into the system, a problem arises later – at the level of the territorial committee (ie, municipal, county or provincial). They can not print the results that they see. There currently is only summing data using traditional calculators.
The only eager
Zablocki reminded, however, that the company was only willing Nabino to build the system in such a short time. He added that NEC had a positive audit on the product prepared by the specialists of the company.
– It turned out that – what can I say – all steps in the field of solicitous care of selecting the best bidder had failed, because the tenderer was single and all the steps in the range of offered goods solicitude check also turned out to be not the most effective, because the positive opinion of the auditor’s opinion was also not entirely true – but Zablocki added.
The problems were so serious, that – as announced by the head of the National Electoral Office Kazimierz Czaplicki – PKW “computer issues at election time” to devote one of their meetings. There, the matter will be discussed, but without the implementation of requests for additional funds may do little to pass.
– Finding the best professionals for salaries, which are now specialists in the National Office of Electoral receive, it is virtually impossible – pay attention Czaplicki.
Author: LOS / tr / Source: tvn24.pl

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