Sunday, November 16, 2014

Microsoft boasts over half a million applications in their stores – PC World

525 000 application is in Windows, and Windows Phone Store. The vast majority of the latter – until 340,000.


Microsoft boasts that on “Microsoft by the Numbers”, which you can also find that the number of downloads of Office version for iOS has exceeded 45 million, and more than two million users working on the Visual Studio Online. More than 6 million while development platform uses the .NET Framework. What else? Another good result is the number of subscribers of the Office 365 Home and Personal – their number is over 7.1 million. That’s nothing compared to the OneDrive, which is used by 250 million customers.

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As for Windows, it is according to statistics Microsoft uses it every day 1.5 billion people. Popular Outlook uses while 400 million users, and Xbox Live are registered 48 million. Turning now to the shops of the company, it is still far from the AppStore, where there are more than 1.3 million applications, but Microsoft is slowly catching up with the competition. It is a pity that in both cases the number of applications does not translate into quality.

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