Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What would happen if suddenly fell Facebook? Expert says War III … – Interia

Facebook not just fall. While ordinary internet user would not have made much difference – have learned to throw Selfie elsewhere – for many companies is that she was just a disaster. The question is, does it really mean that Facebook is eternal.

Is the collapse of Facebook would be a global catastrophe?


The Internet is a place where people feel anonymous and unpunished, which are often offend other users and misleading them. With this state of affairs has decided to fight the British Justice Minister Chris Grayling. For trolling you will go to jail. read more

Despite the fact that young people do not like Facebook, and more often simply give up ownership of the account, the number of users does not want to fall below a billion. On the contrary, the service continues to grow – slowly, but steadily. And his boss, Mark Zuckerberg, has just learned to speak Chinese, probably not only in order to better communicate with the family of his wife. That’s right, now western social networking sites are banned in China, but that does not mean it always will.

Although there is no indication that Facebook was soon to end, from time to time there is someone who openly says that it’s almost over. “Gazeta Wyborcza” quotes Kevin Roberts, president of the advertising agency Saatchi & amp; Saatchi, who in an interview with Wirtschaftwoche “said that in three years’ Facebook may no longer be. All because Zuckerberg does not care about users, and yet we know that children do not like to go to the same bar as parents.

End of Facebook? It would be like World War III

Roberts completely disagree expert “Election”, Radosław Wloczewski Płodni.com marketing agency, which says that Facebook is already so ingrained in the minds and habits of users, it is not scored or three years, or ten years from now. But that’s not all, there are companies and their employees. “Given that the

company advertising budgets put in Facebook, especially in USA, for me today, Facebook would mean the end of World War III “- Wloczewski says, adding that even in Poland, the fall of Facebook would entail the loss of jobs for some tens of thousands of people. Interactive agencies still employ a lot of workers who deal with only the development and implementation of strategies to promote business on Facebook.
If the collapse of the largest social networking site in the world has the same rate as the end of Our Class, millions of businesses would have trouble.
But if Facebook knows what he’s doing?

The problem is that the company, which depends on the existence of Facebook, will not save him from falling. To service continues to exist, there must be users. And here is where the issue of young people who believe that it is mostly a toy for their parents and go elsewhere. On Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat. If you fail to curb their low tide, in the end the number of users will begin to fall. And then I think Zuckerberg has indeed will be able to count on a thaw in China.
Some social movements giant – like trying to buy Snapchata for $ 3 billion – may seem desperate. Others – such as the acquisition of Oculus – odd or unnecessary. But it is in all of this logic. Facebook knows what his weaknesses and doing what it can to fix them. And because he has money and pretty well versed in what they expect users will not end anytime soon as MySpace or our class. And have to say that in three years Facebook will not, is pure absurdity.
I do not about this, it would be “World War III” from the point of view of companies. The point is that most users still have reasons to use with Facebook. And although every now and then Zuckerberg gives us something remarkably we do not like, many of us would be hard just from day to day Facebok abandon. Because I like how we know when our friends have a birthday? I have learned how to do that party? Life itself, unfortunately.

Martha Laurel



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