Equipment is plentiful
Ultra HD, a new resolution matrix screens and TVs strongly promoted today by the equipment manufacturers. Full HD, currently the most popular standard, has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. Ultra HD TV, it has 3840 x 2160 pixels. The advantage of a few, but most of them have to be super sharp images even in very large diagonal or sitting close to the screen. Good quality content on your TV UHD this type makes us forget about pixels. I just can not see them. Ultra HD is one of the common trends of all TV manufacturers, which I wrote during IFA 2014 in Berlin .
Fig. IFA
In terms of hardware is already very good. Over the last 12 months manufacturers have developed common standards and the prices consumers have gone down so much that buying a TV Ultra HD does not have to already be associated with taking a loan for 30 years. TV is plentiful and cheaper. The problem is still the lack of content.
Full HD materials displayed on the matrix Ultra HD may look a lot better. Systems improve the quality of work and the difference you can see. Television also purchased for a minimum of several years, so better equip themselves in something strongly resist the passage of time. This does not change the fact that the Ultra HD receiver works best with the content in native resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels. In April of this year I wrote on my blog that is better, but still not rosy . The first content distribution services have Ultra HD occur in the United States. Today, it is already known that there is one country in the world, which is an interesting place for fans of standard UHD. That country is Poland.
Ultra HD network and disk
The first place for popularizing Ultra HD in Poland should be to Samsung. Manufacturer walked rapidly to market equipment 4K TVs extremely wide range of this type. The biggest applause, however, belong to the Polish branch of the company for the launch in June Zone VOD services UHD (read the review) . The Smart TV designed in collaboration with Insys Play and World Cinema was the first of its kind in Poland and one of the few in the world. At the start of the recipient has access to 10 movies UHD. In December of that year there should already be around 25 titles are not the newest, but the whole library was and still is available for free. Samsung issued a VOD zone as part of the promotion UHD 4K standard.
In addition, the Korean manufacturer offer appeared application Vienna State Opera, which I wrote in the service .
Fig. Samsung
With the help of opera fans can buy a virtual ticket for live broadcasts. Also in the Ultra HD.
co-operation established between the Vienna State Opera, and Samsung is a unique event. Art forms that have been considered as an exclusive, elite and very expensive due to this cooperation by far will be available to a wider audience. From now on, the work of one of the best opera houses in Europe will be able to enjoy without leaving your living room via Samsung devices
– he had said Olaf Krynica, PR Manager at Samsung Electronics Poland.
Samsung was the first in Poland with such a wide range, but now it is no longer the only one. LG has just launched a service Filmbox Live, which appeared in the category “LG Cinema 4K”. This is the second after Samsung this service in Poland and again – a phenomenon on a global scale. LG and Filmbox make your repertoire for free for 6 or 12 months (depending on how we buy TV). Unfortunately, only for new customers (receiver purchased after November 6), but it’s still a very interesting offer. At the start of the 5 movies available in Ultra HD resolution. In mid-December, there will be 30. Among the titles are many positions medium or weak, but there are some interesting films, such as Slaughter, Fading Gigolo and Magic Mike.
Cooperation LG brand Filmbox is our next step in the 4K market development in Poland. We realize that in parallel with the progress of technology, 4K should be followed by the development of entertainment content and the highest resolution. Therefore, LG wants to fill the gap in access to the highest quality content, so that Polish viewers to immediately take full advantage of the capabilities of their TVs ULTRA HD
– says Marcin Kubiszak, category manager, Home Entertainment, LG Electronic Poland.
Services Samsung and LG require a fairly fast internet connection. About 20 megabits per second, plus a very important connection stability and speed. Without it, movies can load any longer or uneven.
The advantage of this solution is the fact that the Ultra HD videos are available here and now. Without leaving your couch, literally on the remote control. Impressive is also the pace of the new Polish troops in the Korean manufacturers and no fees. The downside is the quality. Movies have a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, but it is obvious that not so great as in the case of uncompressed versions.
The problem with the lack of compression is to balance the file. Native Ultra HD with very high bitrate, it’s a nightmare for storing content, the more traffic over the Internet. But the delight of our eyes. Perhaps this is why the Polish branch of Sony opted for another form of promotion UHD content. In this manufacturer 4K movies get to your hard drive. After purchasing the Sony 4K TV we can choose 5 films with a list of 10 available. This, inter alia, Salt, Captain Phillips, the latest Amazing Spider-Man 2 is nominated for 6 Oscars Moneyball.
Fig. Sony
The disk is added movies for free with the purchase of X95 models, S9 or X9 until 27 December. Same movies to operate until 2016.
Sony has less content, but the movie saved on the disk will have a better quality than streaming from the web. There is a chance that the image cast almost to his knees.
Poland vs. the rest of the world
Three companies, two ways to satisfy the appetites of fans Ultra HD. This is obviously still a drop in the ocean. It is necessary to increase the offer, you need first TV channels broadcasting in the new resolution, still waiting for a revised standard Blu-ray, which can handle Ultra HD (unfortunately no appear until the end of next year). However, considering how things looked Ultra HD with us just half a year ago, the Polish troops of the three companies deserve applause. Even if streaming from the network will not have the quality, on which stand the Ultra HD TVs, and content on the disk will not be much, it’s still against global Poland is now one of the best places to buy a 4K TV.
In the US, Netflix has offered a series Ultra HD resolution – House of Cards and Breaking Bad. It also offers movies such as The Smurfs 2 or Ghostbusters. On the occasion of the sender, however, increased the price of your subscription. If Americans want to watch movies from Netflix in 4K resolution, it must pay $ 11.99 instead of the usual $ 8.99 (price for new customers).
Sony has in America Ultra HD streaming movies to their television sets in within the Video Unlimited 4K. The choice of items is large (4 series and about 67 films), and the quality superb. It is weighing tens of gigabytes of files that before playing pulls up to the player. However, renting movies UHD costs $ 8 per day or about $ 35 for all. In addition to a compatible TV is required or an external player FMP-X10 costing around $ 700. The manufacturer also has no plans for now to introduce this offer to Polish.
Fig. Sony
A similar example is more. In the US, the issue of the Ultra HD is growing rapidly and there is a lot of news. Polish troops approached, however, the question slightly differently. They offer free services whose availability is immediate and intuitive service. A person buying a new TV Ultra HD can so a few minutes after you connect it to your network take a look at the future of your home entertainment.
Yes, the Ultra HD is still a matter of the future. Equipment is already a lot, but look forward to more content. We wait and we can enjoy that in Poland about the growing almost as vividly as overseas. The approach is different from us. There is no news at a really devastatingly good quality UHD. They are for exceptional service available for free, which makes the new 4K TV can be used at no extra cost. Immediately after the purchase, no additional hardware or expenses.
Keep it up.
Simon Adamus

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