You wonder when we will finally be able to enter the website address, and you will see a Polish flag and Polish language version? We know the answer. In addition to unofficial informajci, which reached virtual Poland, we also have a number of elements that allow us increasingly to believe in ensuring a close business environment. But first things first.
To begin with, that Amazon began in Poland communicate with the media. Close contact and cooperation can be a good start on the road to create a Polish-speaking service. We were present at the first Polish presentation equipment portfolio companies and Europe’s first demonstration of a new device called the Amazon Echo. Read more: Conference, presentation of products and … Amazon Echo – the first demonstration in Europe . Then we wrote that we can be sure that the first meeting with journalists in the country can be a first step towards better communication company with the media, and thus – better promotion of the upcoming activities Amazon.
You do not have to wait long to Amazon invited media representatives to its logistics center in Wroclaw. There, in addition to bragging good financial results and satisfaction with the cooperation with the Polish, we had the opportunity to see how the world’s second robotic system. Read more: Amazon introduced the first such system in Europe – robotic logistics center . By building the center near Wroclaw taken longer consider the possibility of introducing robots were not so need additional conversion work – the company just over a year took settle in Wielkopolska and Lower Silesia and the introduction of technology, which until now has been used only in the United States.
Watch the video! Amazon replaces humans with robots:
Robots eliminate the time it takes to search by employees of products on the shelves, and this accelerates the execution of the contract. As we know, so far it is the persons present in the warehouses walked between the shelves and gather the right items to cart completing the order – but now it is coming to an employee shelf. What else?
More recently, there is information that customers in Poland already can shop via the
But it is also not all! Service Amazon introduced a new offer for your hard drive in the cloud, without any limit space for user data. To date, the price of such services was $ 59.99 ( 240 zł ), there was still the option to purchase unlimited storage space for photos for $ 11.99 ( 50 zł ) and were it is rather standard fare for such
A lot of good, a lot also Polish, is communication, there are presentations, so the when ? Wirtualna Polska managed to find out that, yes, Polish service certainly rise. And this is good news, but you need to take into account a number associated with the creation of a new store
Amazon Prime Air
It is worth noting also another thing that praises the company. The program of Prime Air is the system of ‘supply of the future “, designed to deliver orders to customers in 30 minutes or less using small, unmanned aerial machines – drones.
Prime Air has great potential for this to expand the range of services offered by Amazon, which today are provided millions of customers. The implementation of Prime Air will take time, but Amazon will introduce him when he will receive the support needed to implement the vision. Currently, the law prevailing in the United States requires that the drone was constantly within sight of the operator-pilot. Amazon therefore constantly working with policy makers and regulators in many countries, so that the service became available as soon as possible.
Sebastian Kupski WP / Amazon / chip

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