Tuesday, December 1, 2015

GTA V has never looked better – Virtual Poland

  Even if GTA V ograliście longer length and breadth, after seeing the new modifications you desire to do it again and you begin to wonder why the game could not look so great on release.

 These modifications for games that will delight enthusiasts and are the only ones that fit the astonishment of all players. “The Pinnacle of V” is a mod that can be undeniably qualify for the second group. With this modification GTA V gets a second life. Developers managed to introduce more intense colors, to redesign the entire system of weather changes (removing the undesirable effects such as chromatic aberration and vignetting), add realistic rain and puddles, introduce new textures in 4K resolution and realistic shadows to objects. It has also all the lighting and particle effects.

 But that’s not all. Modders also failed to influence the game mechanics – Increased population of Los Santos, improved system of driving cars and physics weapon (added even new gunshots that imitate real models of weapons), allowed to destroy more objects and introduces changes in the melee.

 The modification is available free of charge to downloaded into the this link . The creators warn, however, that it will squeeze the last juices

out of your computer, so holders of weaker machines this time they shall deal taste. The Pinnacle of V is to be further developed so it is possible that in the near future GTA V will look even better.


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