Walruses from Gródek nad Dunajcem decided to join the nationwide attempt to beat the Guinness Record in the largest number of bathers walruses simultaneously in many places.
To beat the record had to bathe at least 1,800 people. Official results will be known in a few days.
Yesterday on the beach in Gródek nad Dunajcem gathered a large group of supporters Sqcz dip in the icy water.
– We hope that we can somehow encourage some people and together with our group to gather required by the organizers of the number 25 morsów- says Maciej Schabiński, President of the Club Walruses viviparous Jeziorowa of Gródek on the Danube sun.
– The water has entered the record group of 67 people. We are surprised, but also happy because we were able to prepare a nice meeting – does not hide Schabiński.
Each participant beating the record have to register. Later they organized a warm-up to entering the water at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius was a shock to the body. Walruses in Lake Rożnowskie had to withstand three minutes. Some deducting seconds to be able to go ashore, while others were longer.
– Morsuję for several years, so entering the water did not cause me much of a problem – he admits Jacek The misery of Podola. There were many people who did it the first time. Among them, 62-year-old Barbara Krupczyń rocks.
– The Lake Rożnowski winter I went for the first time, but morsuję several years. I go to rallies to Mielna – emphasizes Krupczyńska. Now it will regularly dip into the lake, and as the snow falls rub it every day. As a result, he feels great, and her body looks much better.
Bathing in the lake from
– I myself am the walrus, and I regret that the pressure could not be immersed in water – admits the mayor Tobias. – But I am full of admiration for our young residents of the municipality. They managed to organize a nice meeting, which promotes a healthy lifestyle and the way Gródek. I think we ought to announce Sądecka capital of walruses.
Daredevils, who entered the water, already in dry clothes sat by the fire. In a few days they find out whether a Guinness record was set. – I hope that such a large group will meet more frequently – says Schabiński.

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