Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Examine as mare’s milk affects the immune system – Practical Medicine

Researchers are studying whether the mare’s milk can replace cow’s milk in the human diet. The current study aims to create an innovative product based on mare’s milk, designed for people with food allergies to cow’s milk protein. Research on this topic leads a doctoral student in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, Joanna Fotschki.

She explained that milk is a complete product that contains all necessary nutrients for proper functioning and growth of the baby.

“Currently, there are disturbing reports about a new wave of increase in incidence of allergy to cow milk. More and more mothers have problems with breastfeeding, and while not all babies in this situation are able to consume protein hydrolysates of cows’ milk . Therefore, it considers the possibility of introduction of animal milk to the diet of non-cow “- she pointed out.

The composition of milk of various species differ from milk in terms of chemical composition. Mare’s milk, is considered one of the most chemically similar to human milk. It is believed that mare’s milk subjected to appropriate processing, can be considered a good substitute for cow’s milk – she added.

As pointed out Fotschki, mare’s milk protein have a lower degree of similarity to proteins than cow’s milk proteins derived from the milk of sheep, goat or pig. The significant difference of homology, the proteins of mare’s milk can be identified by the body as neutral molecules. Unfortunately, some people in connection with oversensitive immune system Allergic reactions may occur.

That is why – as stated by the scientist – the aim of the project Prelude National Science Centre is a reduction in immunoreactivity or the ability to connect with specific antibodies directed to the protein beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-casein milk by using two methods.

First – hydrolysis leading to fragmentation of proteins by lactic fermentation strains of Lactobacillus and other – linking or combining proteins by transglutaminase – enzyme of bacterial origin.

Lactic acid fermentation is commonly used in the dairy industry, for example. in the production of yogurt, which consists of “degradation” of proteins and peptides obtained with less immunoreactivity. The project implemented by Joanna Fotschki will be carried out checks 25 different strains of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus in terms of their activity reducing the allergenicity of milk proteins


using transglutaminase is used in food production, mainly to improve the texture and structure of foods and to increase the water binding capacity of the modified products with this enzyme.

transglutaminase is found naturally in animal tissues and plants, such as soybeans or fodder beet, but it can also be obtained from living microorganisms, eg. bacterial Streptoverticillium sp. , Escherichia coli , Bacillus subtilis or Physarum polycephalum . The properties of the natural “biological adhesive”, used for the first time in Japan, to obtain a meat protein product.

As reported by doctoral student, reactions occurring in the gastrointestinal tract result in the transformation of food intake in a collection of molecules affecting our immune system, which is why the project will be applied simulation model digestion gastrointestinal in vitro . This analysis will be able to determine the degree of degradation of milk proteins by the digestive enzymes and bile salts.

In addition, it is planned to perform the test with in vitro to see if the protein mare’s milk undergone the processes changing their structure will be similar to cow’s milk protein combine with antibodies of patients who are allergic to cow’s milk protein .

“The expected results of the research show that in terms of a reduction in immunoreactivity protein mare’s milk will be more susceptible to the processes than cow’s milk protein. In the longer term results of the project can contribute to increased knowledge in the use of mare’s milk as a substitute cow’s milk in the diet, “- said Fotschki.


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