Friday, January 1, 2016

Facebook congratulates the 46 years of knowledge. This strange error has amazing explanation –

Is it possible to know someone 46 years when he is only 24 years? Just such a message (shown above) saw one of wearers Facebook after logging in to the site.

See also: They closed the airport by … Windows 3.1

The girl was looking for answers to intriguing question: how is this possible. He gave him portal VOX, who noticed that a strange error Facebook has a pretty simple explanation.

Many computer systems is based on Unix. In this system, time is counted from January 1, 1970. This is the so-called “Unix time”, the beginning of the Unix epoch (ang. Unix Epoch).

Many of the programs and systems are based on the Unix time. A January 1, 1970 fell just 46 years ago. Just so the failure of one system would in any area code, date appeared in the “beginning of the world”. Probably just as it was the case with this particular error Facebook. Although we can not be sure, our suspicions may prove to be incorrect.

Over time, Unix involves a serious problem. 19 January 2038 year, some computers or programs running on the basis of Unix may stop working properly.

“The timer will become negative – will jump to the smallest negative value (-2 147 483 648) or
the counter is reset. displays then the date December 13, 1901 h. 8:45:52 p.m. (jump to the smallest negative) or 1 January 1970 hrs. 0:00:00 (zero timestamp counter). It can cause serious errors in the calculation of the passage of time. ” – Explains Wikipedia.

[for VOX ]


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