Justpaste.it is a free portal created by Mariusz Heuchera, where with a few clicks you can post your own photos and videos, as well as text files. Portal does not require user registration, and the only way to hit the published your photos, enter into your browser address the individual file that was on the portal.
According to the “Guardian” website link with Islamic militants until recently it was not obvious . Published on him because the photos were made public through an account in social network Twitter, and attributed the source of the media.
Portal interested in, however, the British police that returned to its owner with requests to delete individual photos or videos. Sam Żurawek in an interview with “Guardian” ensures that it is in constant contact with the British police and constantly removed from the site materials that are deemed illegal.
A large number of Islamist propaganda
According to the “Guardian” on the website but still remains a large number of propaganda Islamic State, including pictures of the massacre of a group of about 500 Yezidi made by Islamists last week.
The Journal also reported that the portal JustPaste.it in recent months experienced a significant increase in the number of views from the region of the Middle East. The advantage of the portal is to be its smooth functioning even in conditions of poor Internet connection. It is this fact could decide to use it by Islamic militants for publishing propaganda content.
It is not possible to block entries. Do not close my site
By the same author found it is not possible to block the insertion of files to individual users. Portal does not require registration, its users often connect to it using proxy servers and anonymous networks like Tor. The only solution would be to disable the entire site.
Żurawek says it will not close the portal only because of its use by the Islamists. “He has many other users, I can only focus on one group. Nor do I want to interfere in any kind of political conflicts and advocate on either side” – says “Guardian”.
“I think we should fight for freedom on the Internet, but also to combat violations of the law made for his help. Freedom of expression is important, but it can not be a shield for criminals “- adds Żurawek.
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