Saturday, August 9, 2014

Scientists: invasion of green parrots in Poland is only a matter of time – Polish Radio

These large, green parrots have become popular among farmers because it is easy to tame and willing to learn to imitate Sonically different sounds. It is estimated that in the period 1996-2002 to the European Union brought their 137 thousand. Due to inattention or carelessness of people a lot of pieces found in the wild.
can be currently found in parks or on the streets more than a hundred European cities. Most of it is in the UK (a few years ago, the population was estimated at 10-20 thousand. Individuals), Belgium (8.5 thous.), The Netherlands and Germany (after 5,5 thous.). You can not hit as in Greece or Slovenia.

Parrots great deal on the loose. They are omnivorous. Quickly discovered what they are feeders (supplanting them great tit and blue tits) and tolerate frosts.

– It is said that up to minus 20 degrees Celsius give advice! Please note that cities are warmer, heating pipes are. The potential for parrots is therefore – explains the director of the Institute of Zoology, University of Life Sciences (UP) in Poznan, prof. Peter Tryjanowski (center takes part in the EU’s research program exotic invasion.)

great pest and potential health risks
Experts point out that where Alexandretta occur naturally are considered to be some of the larger bird pests. In India, destroy crops and plantations of sunflowers and date palms.
European cities also pester – parrots are dziuplakami and often burrow holes in the

insulation of buildings. The previous European experience of Alexandretta are so difficult that the parrot appeared on a list of one hundred most troublesome invasive species.

For this Alexandretta may be carriers include causing bacteria (including humans) ornithosis, or an acute infectious disease of the respiratory system, and protozoa that cause cryptosporidiosis (gastrointestinal disease). Carry a virus causing Newcastle disease in poultry. Her attack is the loss of the entire culture.
also cause environmental problems, because in search of places to breed compete with European species, for example. dzięciołami, szpakami and kowalikami. They win as a bigger and stronger, but also because it starts breeding in February, occupying hollows birds that breed later.
As you read the pages of the EU project DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species In Europe), yet are unknown methods to prevent invasion or limitation. Natural enemies in Europe parrot is no more than other species.
See the gallery: DAY IN PICTURES & gt; & gt; & gt;
PAP, kk


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