Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun. , photo
discovered in them kilkadzisiąt thousands of priceless objects. The research that led to the remarkable discovery, lasted more than five years.
The experts found more than 50,000 items that could be used in pre-Columbian rituals of the people inhabiting the city of Teotihuacan. Among the found items are items of jade, shells, jewelry, obsidian blades, ceramics, sculptures and wooden artifacts preserved in very good condition. – These are precious objects, both for economic reasons and symbolic – says archaeologist Sergio Gomez.
rich content already betrayed traces of ritual sacrifices at the entrance to the tunnel beneath the Temple of the feathered serpent, which is one of the most important deities in the pantheon of ancient inhabitants. – Since it was a particularly holy place, we believe that the rulers of the city they could beg TTAM of success in government or obtain divine sanction for his authority – says Sergio Gomez.
According to the researchers, the tunnel may also lead to the royal tombs and the place where the elite was buried ancient city. Discovered objects can also help you better understand the residents of Teotihuacan, which today we know little. To date, there has been found no royal burial, so we do not know, what the governments involved in Teotihuacan. It is also unclear whether they were inherited.
It seems that the tunnel was used for about 250 AD, when it was sealed.
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