Friday, August 15, 2014

Think Global Test: Solve the intelligence test and win 25 tys.dolarów – Virtual Poland

  How to avoid cyber threats? Top exercising common sense! Bearing that in mind, Kaspersky Lab invites to participate in the competition consisting of a series of mental games, quizzes and puzzles.

 “The ability to maintain concentration and reflexes allow you to win at video games, but they can also help to avoid cyber attacks” – says Eugene Kaspersky, Chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab. “If something is too good to be true, probably is not true in most cases watchful eye can see that the page or application is false and dangerous. If you do not distract you other things and learn to maintain focus, certainly will see a potential threat. ”

 On the Global Think you can test today begin to train your mind, taking part in many tests – not only logical, but also skill. For the preparation of the former corresponds to Mensa, while the latter are created by a team of Ferrari.

 The competition will be held on 6 September 2014. On this day, participants will be able to test their mental

capabilities and to deal with the most efficient brains from around the world. The winner – the person who obtains the highest score in the shortest possible time – will receive a cash prize of 25 tys.dolarów. The winner will be announced on September 7, 2014. Chance to win the prizes are: racing gloves signed by Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen, paid for participation in the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi, the Google Nexus Tablet, Amazon Kindle, PS4 and vouchers to Google Play, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon. In addition, all participants will receive a security software Kaspersky Internet Security multi-device ensuring the protection of PCs, Macs and smartphones and tablets with Android.


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