Computer games have a positive impact on children’s intelligence and abilities – from education experts stress. They develop perceptiveness, teach spatial thinking and strategic, as well as affect the development of the brain, causing a small player can perform several tasks simultaneously.
The research shows that 72 per cent. children aged 3 to 16 years regularly play computer games.
Teachers explain that while playing brain spoils despite appearances, is not to just be energized and work at high speed. In small player takes rapid improvement of hand-eye coordination develops spatial imagination and ability to think outside the box.
– Today, children have the technology in blood, and their playground is the internet. Studies show that the use of the latest technology can stimulate new neural connections, which scientists now identify with greater intelligence and awareness. Researchers can indicate a direct causal link between the use of the achievements of technology, the game and the surface of the brain – Newseria news agency says Maciej Szamotulski, marketing manager
Modern aids
The experts from the educational platform emphasize that parents who want to be taken of the intellectual development of the child, they should invest in modern teaching aids. Toddlers almost from birth are surrounded by new technologies and online learning seems to them more attractive.
– One of the biggest advantages of games is the opportunity to experience virtual, that is experiencing a situation inaccessible to children every day, which enhances the development of empathy, as well as strategic thinking and abstract. Games are also amazing charm and his children are. This means they can build spaceships and conquer their space and conquer new lands. Who does not want to experience this?
He also points to the social aspect of using computer games and new technologies.
– aside from the same relationships between players who must work together to succeed and reach the goal, we know that kids his success after experiencing a socially in the classroom or on a social network. The whole experience is a social experience – explains Maciej Szamotulski.
The key is putting new challenges, competition and cooperation, and frequent rewards participants for acquiring the next level.
– recently appeared It is also a concept called gryfikacją, which means more or less well-known patterns of use of the best games in the educational process. It is better when learning is just such fun, such as games and fun – says Maciej Szamotulski.
There are three pillars gryfikacji “fun” – fun and satisfaction flowing from participation in a process, “friends” – opportunity to play in a group, a sense of community, sharing results and achievements and “feedback” – receive rapid feedback on their mistakes and progress.
Newseria, abo

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