Sunday, October 25, 2015

An important change on Facebook! Check your privacy settings – Virtual Poland

  Facebook introduces a very significant change in the operation of its search engine. It will search through all posts and speeches, placed in the social network. He wants to thereby establish a rivalry with Google. This function can be useful, but at the same time make everything make available to the public, it will become very visible. So let’s now check their privacy settings.

 Currently, even if what they are placing on their facebookowych walls, marked as visible to everyone, the chance that a stranger accidentally read it, is rather small. In practice, this is called “privacy by ignorance” – put our things are unlikely to get beyond our circle of friends. If only because no one outside our friends are not interested. Soon, however, things will change.

 Facebook hopes to throw the gauntlet Google to. He wants that in the case of major events that people can see what they write on them not only friends, but the whole community. Already, for many internet users one of the primary sources of information is not Google and Twitter, which are often about current events can be read faster. Facebook wants to do the same.

 After typing in the search term – for example. “Electoral debate ‘- so we will be able to familiarize themselves with what to write about performances politicians all Facebook users. Representatives of the portal ensure that the results will be properly filtered and sorted – so for example. Favor posts from trustworthy sources. The above will be so for example. Statement of accounts certified media representatives. In addition, the posts get our friends, but also the reaction of other users. The masses of people, the existence of which even we did not know.

 Provided of course that we have access to their posts. Search will only show the speech of strangers, which made publicly available. For this reason, we have now to protect yourself and check your privacy settings – so that we were sure that we have control over what provided by us, things will go in the world. It should be aware that soon every thing you write publicly, it will be very easy to find and see.

 So if you externalize out about excesses at Friday’s event, but did not want

that any person can read it by typing in the search engine “event”, it is good to make sure that your posts provide only friend. This can be done on Facebook in Settings – & gt; Privacy. We see that in the “Who sees your future posts” is set to “Friends”. Below you can also select “Limit the visibility of old posts” through which content that once placed in the public service, you will receive a new privacy setting.

 All this, of course, just in case, if you do not want your posts were searched and read all the Facebook community. If, on the contrary, I look forward to the opportunity to participate in the global exchange of views, it can on the contrary – to change the visibility of your posts in the public domain. We do not know why you would have to do this, but it is also possible.

 According to the same Facebook, currently in its database are indexed 2 trillion posts. Their number will of course continue to grow, and the purpose of operating the service team is involved in their consumption and discussions around them a much larger number of users. And so new, improved search engine has to be better in offering search suggestions and outside posts also present raging around the topic of public debate.

 New search engine on the case went to the English version of Facebook. In the coming weeks but it will be extended to the entire network, including its Polish version.



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