Perhaps not everyone knows that it is in Poland near Gdansk Airport, located in Europe’s largest research and development laboratory Intel. Two thousand professionals working there on solutions that will soon have a chance to become the new standard in the computer industry.
I had the opportunity to meet with several teams of experts from Intel. With great enthusiasm talked about their work, goals and experience.
Cortana hear you through the Poles
Virtual Assistant , which is available to users of Windows 10 and Windows Phone and Android works equally well, if not for the Poles. It was in Gdansk, in his laboratory sound Intel, Cortana learns to understand our commands.
Fig. Intel
The Poles have developed a number of key actions assistant systems. One mode is “Ready Mode”, through which Cortana might hear uttered by our command, even if the device is asleep. What is important due to the algorithms of Poles succeeded in this without consuming too much energy. In Gdansk Cortana also learns to distinguish our voice in harsh field conditions. During the presentation we had the opportunity to hear that assistant Microsoft understands the command, when the speakers comes the sound of a moving car or dialects talking children.
The Gdańsk experts from Intel to teach Cort use a “talking head” – dummy named Ricardo, who speaks Test questions. The robot does not get tired and can practice with Cort day and night. Specialists Intel can thus analyze data much faster and more efficiently.
Simulation listening, speaking simulation
Intel Labs is well equipped. Audioroom satisfies all the requirements listening rooms. The unchanging environment, you can repeat listening tests and as a result create a refined solution.
The visible above the head with the torso has built-in speakers and microphones. The device allows for a perfect simulation of the processes of listening and speaking.
Vulkan – the Polish idea for the video card you can still hear
The next generation of computers and mobile devices are becoming more efficient, we still have, however, its limitations. Indeed they based on age rather solutions. One of them is OpenGL , which Intel is trying to replace it with something better. This new standard may be just created in Gdansk Vulkan. Its most important feature? Able to work twice as efficiently collecting less power than current solutions. It also has a huge advantage: it can be incorporated in principle in any system – Windows, Android, Linux. During the presentation the Vulkana we have seen that can handle 3D graphics in a fun way – the same animation displayed a speed of 50fps, while OpenGL has reached approx. 25 fps.
Fig. Intel
will improve OpenGL
The engineers working on Vulkan assured us that within a few years, he has a chance to become the standard. But before that happens, users will be able to enjoy the fruit of the work of another team. In Gdańsk branch of creating new Intel graphics drivers through which special effects such as smoke or steam look much more realistically and accurately. Intel is also working on solutions, so that we can enjoy augmented reality or virtual.
Power SSD
Intel is also working on a technology by which you can create powerful arrays of disks (SSDs become standard in laptops ). As we know, this kind of drives provides significantly faster write and read data. And when I joined eight such drives to the link PCIex16 and create using software from Intel one disk then the server can write data from
Fig. Intel
In order not to run out of Internet
Experts from Intel are also working on solutions that are designed to provide us convenient access to the Internet. To the average user you do not run the supplier must ensure that the right equipment. This provides just Intel. These include, for example switches with a capacity of 40Gb / s – already available for purchase. I had the opportunity to see that using them even thousands of users can, for example, rely on VOD without the risk of transmission is suddenly interrupted or the picture starts to stutter. 40Gb / s soon, may not be enough, because in Gdansk work is already underway on devices operating in the standard … 100Gb / s.
Safer Internet of things
For the Internet, you can probably connect everything, which is why experts from Intel are working on technology that will make a huge ecosystem of devices will not become a haven for criminals. In Gdansk, it created the TPM technology. A special arrangement enables Intel service created in Gdansk system to check whether a device that tries to access the selected network is no “permission” user. Thanks to this smart watches, smart phones, webcams and other devices connected to the network can be protected against unauthorized use. TPM protects against this not to become a “gateway” for cyber criminals, by which take control over other devices in the same network.
How not to waste the power of Data Center
Polish Intel engineers are also trying to stop the tremendous waste of resources. Currently, the average performance of the data center, regardless of whether it belongs to Google or to Facebook, is only twenty percent. Thanks to the serenity that were made by Poles, performance can increase significantly. Serenity since it allows to carry out calculations relating for example with data compression or video processing. The system starts processes of this type once recognize that power data center (CPU, disk, memory) is not needed for current operation of the service. In this way, at night, on holidays, at a time when users do not use intensively the portal such as the Allegro, a data center can “take care of” before the designated tasks. This increase in productivity would allow for a substantial saving and rational use of the equipment.
The technology, which constantly hear founded in Gdańsk
Many of the projects they are working on Polish engineers from Intel they are likely to soon become standard. It certainly happened to many technologies that were born in Gdansk: USB 3.0, WIDI, Thunderbolt or HD Audio. Polish engineers of Intel yet again prove to the world that they can afford much.
Photo gallery reveals even more secrets about Intel’s research center.

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