Saturday, October 17, 2015

Group of comets send starlight? – KopalniaWiedzy

| Astronomy / physics

The Kepler Space Telescope has discovered the star around which revolves probably large group of comets . The unusual pattern to dim the star was spotted on data from Kepler by Internet users participating in an international project searching for exoplanets. Data from the observation of the star KIC 8462852 were unusual. The planet passing on star background makes her light for a few hours or days is partially obscured. Such decreases in brightness are regular. Meanwhile, in the case of KIC 8462852 it was observed two small drops in brightness in 2009, long big drop in 2011 and a series of multiple inheritance within three months of 2013. Sometimes the star’s brightness decreased by 20%.

We could not believe that this is real data – says Tabetha Boyajian from Yale University. The researchers have tested the device for acting in their error, but it turned out that everything is in order. Only then believe that they are dealing with good data. So they had to explain what a way so irregular obscures the light of the star. For any clarifications, we came up quickly we were counterarguments – adds Boyajian.

The observations made from Earth enabled exclude that we’re dealing with a variable star, and that comes to interference from nearby stars. The researchers came to the conclusion that the star sending dust. It was necessary, however, to answer the question of where it comes from. Collisions between asteroids in a possible asteroid belt or collisions between large objects do not przysłaniałyby stars so often.

The researchers found that changes in star brightness can be explained by the presence of comets that around her They circulate and are broken by the interaction of the star. If you have an eccentric orbit and appear near the star at roughly 700 days, disintegration of comets, the

appearance of dust would explain so much irregularity in the amount of light reaching us from KIC 8462852.

That star is about about 50% larger than the sun, so if accepted explanation is true, then we are dealing with a lot of dust. It is enough that przesłoniłby a large part of the sun’s light. At the moment we have no evidence that KIC 8462852 circled around the planet. If, however, circulate and pass through the dust, they need to experience a huge meteor shower. It looks like like cosmic fireworks , says Boyajian.

Unfortunately, in 2013, the Kepler telescope has failed and does not work as precisely as before. We have data from 2015, when it would be expected further changes in the brightness of stars. It is possible, however, that many data collected by Kepler hide many more surprises.

KIC 8462852 star Kepler telescope


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