Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Russia plans to landing on the moon no later than the year 2029 – Gazeta Wyborcza

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The first Russian manned mission to the moon will take place no later than the year 2029 - said on Tuesday the director of the most important companies in the Russian space industry RKK Energia Vladimir Sołncew.



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design and manufacture of the spacecraft that will land on the Moon, will take care of the old office, designing them. Sergei Korolev, now known as the Rocket-Space Corporation "Energia".

The Russians landing on the moon would be preceded by a series of experimental flights. They will be launched already in 2021. - Sołncew noted.

It is expected, among others, cruises in the on-orbit International Space Station (ang. International Space Station). It currently consists of 15 main modules and allows for the simultaneous being six crew members. The first modules of the station were launched into orbit and combined together in 1998.

In 2025 years Russian spacecraft will finally be sent to the moon. The cruise this will not participate crew. It is about creating the infrastructure for the subsequent landing of the crew.

As pointed out by the director of RKK Energia, the Russian plans for 'conquest' of the Moon are closely linked to the program of the European Space Agency (ESA), which revealed a week ago intention to build "an international research village on the Moon". In the construction of the base will be used for work.

The European Space Agency's cooperation with Russia takes place in the so-called. a common economic space between Russia and the EU. It is currently focused around the Russian project "2027 Luna" (Moon 2027) - reminds AFP.

The project will be implemented from 2020 onwards. It is about to send to the moon unmanned vehicle controlled from Earth, the so-called. łunochodu, to conduct a study rocks and soil in polar areas of the moon. Data obtained in 2012. Thanks to probe Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) showed that there is a frozen water



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