This year’s edition of Poznań Game Arena optimistic. The kind of place that same space is the same, but somehow different than every year. There are plenty of positive energy, passion and – above all – games. Each fa electronic entertainment should find something for themselves. We are and recommend the same to you!
PGA is a regular, annual event, held in Poznan at the International Fair. This year on 16 – 18 collects electronic entertainment fans across the country. They have the opportunity to learn about the latest titles, meet live artists, listen to panel discussions, and above all – feel as part of a huge, lively and active community.
Trade PGA has never been famous for the big announcement, shown here of a game are generally the titles of which can already be naczytać when other world fairs – primarily the US E3 and held in Cologne gamescom. In recent years, however, the organizer could see the desire to compete with these events, to become their Polish counterpart. Hence the appearance of the PGA stands with presentations of games, of which 3 or 4 months earlier talked over the world.
You could thus have the impression that this is somehow second-class event, during which Polish players can finally see what their colleagues from the West had seen dwno. This time, avoided this mistake. Nobody here is trying to pretend that it does Polish E3 event on the gains.
Nintendo attack
Thanks to abandon the pursuit of innovations, the fairgrounds seems more lively and balanced. There is enough space for both the major players and for specific black horses. For the first perhaps the most striking contrast to the Nintendo booth. Although some time ago on the Polish market for consoles has become slightly more popular than ever, we are a Japanese company is still seen as very important in our country. Her stand on the PGA seems to say something else.
As a representative of the company confirmed to us, we are the largest in the history of Nintendo booth fair. We were able to talk with him a little longer on the participation of famous Japanese producer on the Polish market and its future plans. He assured us that the cult producer walks up to him as the most serious, and soon may be about him much more loudly than today. The full text of the conversation will publish soon.
The Witcher 3 and the fate of the additive
For all the merits of Nintendo’s direction for the global electronic entertainment, there is no doubt that the biggest star of the PGA is a completely different company. What is particularly noteworthy – the company Poland. Colossal success of “The Witcher 3″ and the prime minister first expansion, which took place on October 13 made it at the booth of CD Projekt gathered crowds. The creators talked here about how the game was created, answered questions from fans, one could get from them a signed poster.
We also decided to ask a few questions about developers work on the addition, expectations in relation to it, as well as raise some general issues regarding the original game. Soon you can expect the publication of this interview.
Game independent and superhot
For players who have the greatest artists and big-budget blockbusters they prefer inconspicuous, but often much more interesting game independent, waiting in turn zone indie games. Here you can get acquainted with a whole lot of smaller titles. Perhaps the most eye-catching it is the Polish “superhot” – an original action game in which time flows only when the player moves.
About this title has been written much, but we could not deny myself the pleasure to talk with the filmmakers. We learned from them, eg this, what
World of Tanks large-scale
Apart from the main spaces trade fair and a games area for visitors PGA indie waited one more attraction – organized at the highest level tournament “World of Tanks”. The event under the name Continental Rumble brought together some of the world’s best teams (including almost already legendary team Navi), and hundreds of observers.
Looking at the momentum with which realized a fixture of the tournament, it is easy to agree that we are now faced with a full-fledged sport – and it does not matter that not everyone is ready to accept this fact. Fans of “World of Tanks” could practically do not leave the scene of tournament all day, watching the game, listening to the comments of experts and interviews with members of the top teams.
Place the farm
His place at this year’s PGA also had more occasional players. Waiting for them surprisingly large area dedicated to the game Farming Simulator 2015. It turns out that the next big productions that put the transfer of the player to another world, such as “The Witcher 3″ or practice sports, such as “World of Tanks” in the hearts of fans of electronic Entertainment is also a place for something quieter.
Why is there so great popularity simulator farm? What makes year to year, the series of games attract crowds of loyal fans, who are also here – during the fair – are willing to sit down for a moment these creatures a virtual farm? About this we asked a representative of the Polish distributor of the game.
Hardware extraordinary
The fair did not lack, of course, also manufacturers of equipment for players and various accessories. Among them stand attracted the biggest crowds of HTC, which was first publicly presented in our country Vive virtual reality glasses. This novelty so intrigued visitors that to stall the whole day was a huge queue, where the waiting time – like a company representative informed us – amounted to approx. 2.5 hours.
But most importantly – wait was worth it.
First of all, however – players, players and players again
With all the variety of booths, attending the PGA multitude of exhibiting companies and the range of their offerings, what is most striking at the fair is a crowd of visitors. It can be seen in people of very different ages, appearance and temperament. They are incredibly poprzebierani cosplayerzy are families with children, men in suits and the whole spectrum of different individuals. If the issuing does not convince you to appear in Poznan, this incredibly colorful and energetic crowd as much as possible should.
Trade PGA pending before 18 October. If you thought about the advent, we ensure – really worth it!

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