Friday, October 16, 2015

October 15 falls Global Handwashing Day –

According to WHO, 70 per cent. food poisoning is caused by germs carried by “dirty hands”.

– microbes or bacteria, viruses and mushrooms vary in everything, for construction, method of reproduction, the environment in which they live, but they have one thing in common – they are invisible “to the naked eye”. Light microscopes allow viewing of bacteria and fungi, and with the help of an electron microscope you can see viruses – stressed Marzena Lenkiewicz of Microbiology Laboratory of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn.

Most of the microbes is friendly to man, and even necessary for life, even many of them man can use such as for the production of cheese or yoghurt.

– In an adult man in the intestinal contents from 1.5 to 2 kg of bacteria. It is approx. 2000 species to visualize it can be said that the number of bacteria is 10 times greater than the cells from which we are made. They live through us and hard work for us, protects us also against pathogens – emphasized Dr. Anna Majkowska of Laboratory Sciences.

According to the experts the optimal time to wash their hands, or one in which manages to overcome pathogenic bacteria should not be less than 30 seconds, and people washing their hands an average of just 5 seconds. Wash hands with soap and water should preferably warm and running. Water can not be hot, because it comes to dry skin on the hands.

Wash your hands should rather using soap in the fluid and not in the ankle, since soap bar left on the sink it is still wet, and it is the growth of bacteria. Hands should be thoroughly dry. At home, when family members are usually the same microflora, textile towels can be used to regularly exchange. In contrast, public toilets rather we dry your hands with paper towels. It is not recommended to use the dryers. The hot air coming out of them can move all the way chicken and microorganisms in the room. These lands on our newly washed hands. In addition, the dryer can overheat your skin.

The skin of the hands of two layers of microflora. The first is the actual physiological that the human is fixed, the microflora grown in the folds of the skin, hair follicles, the sebaceous glands and sweat glands and it just gives us the proper functioning of the skin. It should not be removed. It is different when we come in extreme conditions other than average, eg. In hospitals when it is removed using liquids or sanitizing preparations.

The second group is the microflora that we acquire through contact with the environment, it is our “foreign” if you will proliferate can cause infections. And that’s it for not washing hands before preparing food can lead to food poisoning.

How Marzena microbiologist emphasized

Lenkiewicz women have such conviction that it is they, unlike men care more about hygiene, because frequently wash their hands. However, according to researchers at the University of Colorado is on the hands of men is less microorganisms. The reason is that the skin reaction men hand is more acidic than women hand, the microorganisms and not like the acid environment. – Nature has equipped men in a natural weapon, perhaps anticipating that they will care less about hygiene – stressed the expert.

Not only that, when compared to the hands of men of different professions it turned out that the white-collar office workers are microbiologically “dirty” hands than workers doing physical work. This is due to a simple reason – the physical work is associated with dirt visible “to the naked eye,” so working in these conditions, washing their hands frequently.

White-collar workers, and contrary to belief, it does not work in clean conditions. It is on pens, computer keyboards and computer mice teeming with bacteria. These can be up to 400 times more than on a toilet seat. We are aware that just this board from time to time to wash while most of us do not even allow the thought that these offices should be regularly wash items – stressed Danuta microbiologist Rostek.

Other studies concerning the presence of bacteria showed that only 17 percent. microorganisms are present on both the right and left hand. Other microorganisms are found only on the right or on the left hand. This is due to the fact that other activities performed with the right hand and the other hand left.

According to the experts, our hand may be our personal signature. With its specific and characteristic only for us microflora we are left on the surface as in the case of fingerprint our individual footprint.



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