Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Your smartphone can break through Siri or Google Now – Interia

Today, October 20 (5:35)

It turns out that the smartphone can be to break through intelligent assistant Siri and Google Now.

Smartphones assistants voice are threatened

/ © 123RF / Picsel

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Today you can already break not only to computers but practically everything connected to the Internet. Now, hackers have defeated another barrier. Access to smartfonowych voice assistants hackers gained through deliberate electromagnetic interference (IEMI) and connected to a smartphone headphones with a microphone.

The method of attack was described by Jose Lopes Esteves and Chaouki Kasmiego from the National Agency for Computer Security, but for obvious reasons regarding his details are not known. We only know that utilizing electromagnetic interference, you can use the headphones as an antenna transferring to your smartphone commands issued by the attacker. In this

way, you can cause a lot of damage, for example. Intercept conversations with ambient or activate a paid service.

But against attacks targeting the voice assistant can defend themselves. Just off the possibility of issuing voice commands, when you do not need this function. The average smartphone users can, however, rest easy, because the attack with Google Now and Siri requires a great deal of knowledge and hacker-amateur it does not perform.

Article from the category: Internet


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