Friday, October 23, 2015

Warsaw seen at night from the deck of the ISS. Amazing photo –

“A series of more than 30 photos of the astronauts of the International Space Station (ang. International Space Station, ISS) performed in the evening on Oct. 8, 2015, when the station flew over the territory of the Polish towards Belarus and Ukraine. The station was then at an altitude of about 400 km above the surface of the planet “- informs the Space Research Centre. Captured images are the most current and so far the most detailed satellite photograph of the night lights of the Polish capital.

The photographs are not only value aesthetic, but also scientific. The data – collected at the request of scientists Space Research Centre – will help in the study of light pollution in Polish cities.

“Every shining point in the picture shows a light source that is directed not only on the sidewalk or street, but also to some extent up to the sky. Studies conducted in the United States have shown that in some cities even half the lights of public lighting is emitted straight into space, “- says the specialist in analyzing images of the night lights of the Earth Andrzej Kotarba from the Group of Earth Observation at the Space Research Centre.

Light hitting the atmosphere is scattered by it, which causes the so-called. urban glow. As a result, the night sky is clear, sometimes so much so that the actual night never sets in. “Luna City is one of the manifestations of light pollution. In Poland, this issue is still little known, although not without significance for our health. Comes studies that show that many diseases of civilization can be caused or intensified by excess light at night, including light pollution “- adds Kotarba.

 Comparison of images of the night of the living made by the Group on Earth Observations SRC PAS below: 


As reported SRC PAS, to a cosmic images astronauts used the equipment, what on Earth using hundreds of professional photographers: Digital SLR camera with 400-millimeter telephoto lens. This made it possible to obtain images so detailed that

you can see them even many residential streets.

In pictures It can be seen primarily network of roads with clearly marked fragments of the Express Ring Road Warsaw. The brightest points can be found in the city center – including Light ads on buildings, but also on the outskirts – eg large shopping centers. The characteristic oval shape stands out National Stadium. Also draws attention to dark strip Vistula traversed by light bridges.

The darkest places of the capital is primarily parks, allotments and urban forests. “An interesting landmark on the skyline of the city is also Chopin Airport, in which you can observe both areas very dark, covering the runways and very bright – light very strong lamps used to illuminate the apron aircraft. In many cities around the world lighting airport should be the most intense of the entire agglomeration “- says the sent message.

International Space Station (ang. International Space Station, ISS) is a joint venture between space agencies of USA, Europe, Japan, Canada, Brazil and Russia. It is primarily used as a laboratory for experiments requiring a microgravity environment. Observations of the Earth – including photographic – are side activity. Since November 2010, the station is continuously occupied. With a mass of more than 400 tons and the cost of construction exceeds $ 100 billion, Station is the largest and most expensive artificial satellite of our planet.


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