2015-10-20 17:13
Author: Maciej Gajewski
Working in various ways convertible notebook Lenovo Yoga 900 and a portable PC All-in-One Yoga Home 900 can raise the bar in the area of mobility of computers.
Lenovo has just announced the introduction of the Lenovo Yoga models offer 900 iYoga Home 900 –dwóch new high performance computing zsystemem Windows 10 for the mobile work irozrywki. The new convertible notebook Yoga 900 is a thin, light iwydajniejszy than previous models, aprzenośny, Desktop All-in-One Yoga Home 900 universal with hundreds of new educational applications, entertainment iużytkowych.
Lenovo Yoga 900 is the most flat The world konwertowalnym zprocesorem Intel Core notebook. It runs the kontroląnajnowszego Intel Core i7 sixth generation, is impressive slenderness (14.9 mm) ijest lightweight (1.29 kg), ajednocześnie satisfied with the performance. Yoga Style 900 provides the freedom to work, watching movies ikorzystania zgier with four ways (laptop stand, tent itablet). Lenovo used in its construction okonstrukcji unusual hinge-like bracelet to watch, with over 800 precisely connected elements. An improved hinge greatly enhances the liquidity of rotating the cover, so that users can easily set Yoga 900 wczterech different ways. Yoga notebook Wkonwertowalnym 900 also uses a fully feature of Windows 10 Continuum, which allows a smooth transition between the ways notebook itabletu. O50% more battery capacity (compared zpoprzednimi generation) allows you to watch movies Have Disk local by even 9godzin. Light notebook Yoga 900 can be set wniemal any position suited to the lifestyle ipotrzeb members from work during the long flight wsposobie tablet after the movie marathon wsposobie stands or reading while commuting wsposobie tablet.
Display IPS qHD + (3200×1800 pixels ) oprzekątnej is 13.3 inches wide viewing angles. Entertainment will be enjoyable thanks stereo speaker JBL Premium Audio Dolby itechniki. Users can use the home theater zzalet almost everywhere, because the audio functions dynamically adapt by offering a virtual surround sound effect through the speakers tablet Yoga 900 isłuchawek. Yoga 900 has the SSD Samsung and working memory up to 16GB. Despite the slim design of the notebook, Lenovo has managed to improve the cooling system o30%. The construction of thermal istruktura vents not only better cooling, but also operates more quietly and effectively op protects against dust.
Portable desktop All-in-One Lenovo Yoga Home 900
The new Lenovo Yoga Home 900 offers full PC functions while enhancing its features. The shape of the
the optimized interface, Aura 3.0 is accompanied by improved features face recognition iedycji. Yoga Home PC 900 can lie flat iwłączyć Aura 3.0 interface, for easy access to photos, videos and hundreds of new entertainment applications, utility iedukacyjnych the store Aura Store, combined with the Windows Store. Specially selected applications available in the Windows Store work best zfunkcjami touch a large, 27-inch computer screen Yoga Home 900. In addition, it offers families igrupom your friends new ways of using zkomputera –wspólne viewing digital photo album, painting iedytowanie images waplikacjach artistic, night game Waira Hockey or video chat session, bringing live far apart family members.
Lenovo Yoga 900: with prices starting at US $ 1,199.99, Amodel w3 colors are available: klementynkowym, platynowosrebrnym izłotym. This computer will be available across the network to Best Buy iwitrynie www.lenovo.com since October 19.
Lenovo Yoga Home 900: Prices start at 1549 USD, akomputer will be available from the end of October wwitrynie www.lenovo.com.

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