Sunday, October 25, 2015

Alcohol and sugar found on a comet. What more do you need? – Gazeta Wyborcza

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              Lovejoy Comet C / 2014 Q2

Lovejoy Comet C / 2014 Q2 (John Vermette -




This discovery provides an additional argument to hand the supporters of the theory of panspermia, which says that life - or at least the organic compounds necessary for its development - came to Earth from outer space. Comets may have been the messengers.


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Comets are remnants of the molecular cloud from which planetary systems are formed. Probably also the Sun is surrounded by a cloud of fine ice fragments, called the Oort cloud. For a long time they can be stuck far from their stars, frozen in the same condition as billions of years ago. When the result of some disruption leave orbit and wander far into the interior layout, you can treat them as guests from the distant past.

At the beginning of September 2014 years Australian amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy discovered this newcomer from the distant corners of the solar system. New comet received a formal name C / 2014 Q2, but from the names of explorers called it in a nutshell comet Lovejoy.

In January this year passed the Earth at a considerable distance - 70 million km, it can be to spot with the naked eye. It looked like a small, barely visible pale green dot in the sky. Greater publicity so did not obtain, but go down in history, because researchers at the Observatory of Paris a few days ago, published in "Science Advances' observations, which suggest that the comet flee into space a pair of alcohol and particles of a simple sugar - glycolaldehyde .

- At the peak of activity every second comet Lovejoy was losing as much alcohol if located in 500 bottles of wine - figuratively explains Nicolas Biver of the Paris Observatory, lead author of the study. At the same time ulatniało out of it as 20 tons of water, because comets are composed mainly of ice.

The astronomers observed the comet in late January, so at the time of closest approach to the Sun, when its brightness was greatest. They used the 30-meter radio telescope in the observatory at Pico Veleta in the Sierra Nevada mountains in southern Spain. Organic molecules in the comet's head and braid excited by the Sun's radiation emitted characteristic frequencies in the microwave range, after which they can be recognized like the fingerprint.

In addition to ethanol and glycolaldehyde - was first found on a comet - researchers have registered as microwave signal 19 other organic compounds.

Comets are the depository of compounds that originated at a very early stage of formation of planetary systems, and perhaps even earlier - in the original molecular cloud from which only hatched a star and the planet. On the surface of the ice in such cold clouds by cosmic rays and UV rays occurring slow chemical reactions leading to the formation of very complex molecules. In interstellar space has already been discovered, for example, a giant cloud of ethyl alcohol. Found include compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cyanide, ethyl mercaptan, ethyl formate or acetate, isopropyl recently cyanide, which is of a branched chain. Similarly, they are branched, for example, amino acids that make up the protein.

is possible that we will also refer to the molecular clouds also the same amino acid. According to some hypotheses comets "fertilize" the planet, enriching them with compounds necessary for the development of life, when completed is a synthesis stars and the construction of the planetary system.

- Our finding supports the idea that comets carry a very complex chemistry - says Stefanie Milam Center Space Flight Center of NASA. Goddard in Greenbelt, co-author of the work. - During the period of the so-called. the great bombardment prior to 3.8 billion years ago, when a young Earth dropped a lot of asteroids and comets and formed the first oceans, life does not have to start from the simplest ingredients such as water, carbon monoxide and nitrogen. It could also use more complex carbon compounds, including those found in comet Lovejoy. This makes it easier and earlier could lead to the synthesis of the first amino acids from which they arose proteins or nucleotides that are the basic components of DNA.

Also Rosetta discovered on a comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko several organic compounds, some of which play a key role in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides and sugars.

Perhaps you are right supporters of the hypothesis of panspermia, it's in interstellar space created "embryos' life, just waiting to fall on fertile planet where they can thrive .

From the experiments show that organic substances clinging to the comets or fast speeding grains of cosmic dust upon impact with our planet does not need to be burned. They can survive without damage to the violent encounter with the atmosphere and the trip to the surface.



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Comments (46)






                                 So it is impossible to go there to live. Good news from the elections.








                                 .Adam Blasphemy and Eve after October 25 will be valid and not criminal science














                                 Since it is sugar and alcohol, it is also water and yeast. Let's think logically.








                                 The appetizer was there?








                                 How is alcohol and sugar, is there life!








                                 The excise tax has already been sent into space?













                                 Strategic there were





     All comments


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