Friday, October 16, 2015

Kepler Space Telescope has discovered a strange phenomenon. This is proof of the existence of aliens? – Interia

1 hr. 18 minutes ago

The Kepler telescope has since 2009 engaged in observation of distant thousands of light years stars, and its task is to detect new planets could support life. The recent discovery made through it provoked among astronomers a great stir.

Do you around the KIC 8462852 circulate installations built by an alien civilization?

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Astronomers have developed a new way to classify exoplanets (planets located in the solar system, orbiting the star), whereby the search for extraterrestrial life will be even more effective. Scientists will soon receive tools for accurate analysis of atmospheres … read more

Action Kepler is relatively simple. In an instant, he monitors more than 150 000 stars that sometimes some clearly darken for a few hours or days. Scientists usually are very pleased with this fact, because if the cycle is regular, it indicates to the discovery of a new exoplanet. So far, this method proved itself, so the greater the surprise of scientists, when it turned out that the recognition of one of the stars of the number of KIC 8462852 dimmed from 5 to 80 days a year at various intervals.

Scientists studying this phenomenon hailed them as anomalies, but after a few days confirmed that mistake surely lies not with the hardware and data from Kepler are certainly correct. Excluded, therefore, that a strange object could be a planet, and KIC 8462852 is too old star that had yet asteroid belts. Researchers definitely rule out a possible collision of two or more planets.

This led to the creation of several more or less probable hypotheses. One assumes that in a strange anomaly is a cloud of comets that have been drawn into the orbit of a star. If the comet rozpadałyby during orbit, it could explain the strange observations and scientists do not hide that at this moment this is the most promising explanation.
Of course, there are those researchers whose scientific considerations have handled in a completely different direction. According to an interview given to the website of The Atlantic, astronomer Jason Wright, along with many other scientists consider whether a puzzling

anomaly could not be the result of our foreign technology. If these scientists are right, it KIC 8462852 could be used by an alien race as a huge solar power plant. “Foreigners should always be the last considered by scientists hypothesis, but no doubt it looks like something you could build an advanced alien civilization,” – said Jason Wright.

The bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres, which were photographed by the spacecraft Dawn, still remain unresolved mystery of astronomy. It is not known how the process takes place there – suspected kriowulkanizm, but ultimately did not confirm this hypothesis. Some argue that these bright … read more

This idea came from the premise that an advanced civilization as technological development, needs more energy. It’s possible that a sufficiently advanced civilization would have been able to get energy in a way which seems to us impossible. Strange, blocking light objects solar cell would be placed in orbit around a star or some advanced designs using energy nuclear transformations occurring in the crown of stars. These structures were allegedly called Dyson Spheres.
best way to verify the information from Kepler would be to use, any of terrestrial radio telescopes. Aiming at least one of them in the mysterious star should clarify whether the strange structure generates radio waves characteristic of the Earth or technology, or at least they are similar. KIC 8462852 is upon us away almost 1480 years light, so from the time when the star had sent a letter today received the signal many things may have changed.


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