Sunday, October 18, 2015

Saturday on the Poznan Game Arena – the largest, najtłoczniej best –

Luckily wkuli everything on the plate and passed perfectly. After spending the whole Saturday wandering between the stage World of Tanks, building GIC and four huge halls of the Poznań fair, I can honestly say it was the best edition of this event after its reactivation.

The distribution of the stands at a sufficiently large space prevented repeat of last year and throughout the day uświadczyłem not a situation where I would have to scramble to get to some place. In this respect, the PGA came out really great. They came to the fair crowds, but the crowd does not hinder movement. If I were to be picky with organizational matters, it is probably only to the availability of gastronomy. Queues to get something to eat were huge. If you do not count relentless procession of dreams for HTC Vive is undoubtedly occupy the first place.

​​PGA2015 Oskar Sniegowski

Big props for Wargaming for preparing and setting the Continental tournament Rumble. The momentum was impressive and brought into the auditorium hundreds of people. I very much hope to repeat next year, because in Poznan sorely lacking a decent e-sports events, and World of Tanks could fill that void. Praise should also organizers of the Game Industry Conference, to which came many recognized developers. For me it’s the best reason to visit each edition of the PGA. The ability to listen to what they have to say, people who are successful, who are for a few hours available and will answer all your questions, is a real treat for lovers gamedevu. If anyone is hesitating whether to go to the fair, it was the GIC should tip the scales toward answers, “I have to be there.” Obrodziło also capable cosplayerami. They ran Halom charm, and the whole event proper atmosphere.

​​PGA2015 - WoT Continental Rumble Oskar Sniegowski

Now However, a little less flattering words, but in a purely subjective opinion, so probably belong to a minority. I would not want that in the coming years Poznań Game Arena is slowly changed in YouTubers & amp; Some Games Arena. I know, I know, I cry at the store and heavily exaggerate, but I have to pass a relationship, so I’m doing it. If not mentioned GIC would have a big problem with selecting appropriate assessment for the entire event. Sometimes I had the impression that the age of the recipient, whose goals are a maximum of 13 years. This is not any objection, if it will allow for the most revenue and rapid development, not understanding the issue. I felt very bad when there is some “creator” video and running the kids would be able to guide you trample that only their “idol” gave them an autograph. Do not

attacking all, there were a few YouTubers I respect a good job and try to teach your audience something positive, but the majority of those present, unfortunately, the kids mush sells its shallow personality, profanity and total idiocy. I visited the party “stars” on their separate hall, but what I experienced there, what I saw and embarrassment that struck me, meant that I left this place after no more than 5 minutes. I will never understand how some of these individuals can listen to more than a dozen seconds and how they themselves can record a sewer, with no remorse. The most I regretted my parents, who were sitting somewhere on the sides and with sad faces watching what their children are doing.

I’m sorry, but I’ve also at any stage and with all my strength I tried not to pay attention to the Battle of scattered t-shirts , rubber bands or any other gadgets, so I do not know how it was this year. I do not like to look at the barbarism of young people in these situations.

We finish on a positive note luck. On Saturday quite a long time loitering around the stands in the hall indie, looking for some interesting production. From the creators of Seven and the American Truck Simulator I talked yesterday (the interview will appear on Poly coming soon), so I went ahead and found some cool stuff. First, brilliantly-looking OS Omega, which takes on the role of anti-virus trying to save your computer. It looks deadly. To mind immediately came to my association with BitTrip Runner.

Second, cosmically playable Kopanito All Stars Soccer. This game will blow FIFA and PES face of the earth. Potential is the size of the Pacific Ocean.

That would be enough. We still have one last day. Already ongoing Sunday promises to be calm and brings the last chance to check what they do not manage to dodge over the past two days. I’m going to say goodbye to Lara. :. (

Sony, Ubisoft and EA. Shame on you, did not you come to the biggest event in Poland. Microsoft has done on the PGA great job.

Oscar Sniegowski


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