According to NASA asteroid 2015 Halloween TB 145 passes us by a hair. This “hair” is 499,000 kilometers. For comparison, the distance between the Earth and the Moon is less than 400,000 km. That has not happened since 2006. Asteroids can not be seen with the naked eye. You will be required to observe a telescope.
Size matters
They began to raise questions about what would happen if they hit the ground. Scenarios are many. The scale of the damage depends on the structure and size of the space object, and also on what angle would enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Simple simulators help to imagine the scale of such a disaster.
destruction in a huge scale
Thomas Hook on your website “Science. It’s like ‘gives a few possibilities. If the object would be less than 25 meters, it just spaliłby in our atmosphere and the Earth’s doleciałyby small crumbs, as it was in Chelyabinsk. Asteroid 150 meters in diameter hit the Earth once every 20,000 years. They cause damage within a radius of several hundred square kilometers.
If the Earth would hit an object with dimensions of 600 meters (which happens once every 200,000 years), on the whole planet there would tsunami and the damaged area could be likened to the Polish territory. Such was the damage could be expected if the asteroid 2015 TB 145 struck the Earth today.
If it would be higher, in addition to the destruction of the planet there would be a noticeable climate change, and the atmosphere would be very polluted. The hook is estimated that in order to destroy our planet, it would have to strike an object with a diameter of
Custom orbit
The asteroid was spotted by NASA in early October. Why so late? The asteroid is on a fairly custom orbit and even the largest computers of the Agency are not able to accurately calculate the road on which the asteroid will move. For this reason, NASA object considered dangerous, but finally admitted that the planet does not threaten it. The asteroid flies past Earth at a speed of 125 500 km / h. Its size is estimated at approx. 600 m.
The transmission from the flight asteroids can be found here.
Like a skull
On social networks circulates interesting photo. Distributed asteroid 2015 TB-145, which resembles a skull:

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